Open Research at Sussex

What is Open Research?

A transparent and collaborative way of conducting research, where methods, data and outputs are made freely accessible, whenever possible, to support reproducibility, inclusivity and the sharing of knowledge.

Open Research at Sussex

Open research is a central pillar of our research culture. We champion this way of working and everything it stands for.

Not only does the practice lead to the most reliable, trustworthy and impactful research, it also aligns with our commitment to social justice values; we believe that everyone should have equal access to knowledge.

Early advocators among our staff have worked hard to embed open research practices within our institution. Now, we are taking steps to educate and support others in open research, both through our own initiatives and our work with national institutions like UKRN.  

Read our open research statement 

UKRN Open Research programme

We’re a proud part of the five-year programme from the UK Reproducibility Network, providing us with training, support, and alliances with institutional members. 

Find out more 

Rewards and recognition

The Research Culture Awards are just one of the ways we are seeking to reward openness in research at Sussex. 

DORA principles

The University is a signatory to DORA principles and the Library actively promotes the use of responsible metrics.

Useful contacts:

Professor Seb Oliver, chair of the university’s Open Research Group and Institutional Lead for UKRN -

Dr Lorna Hards, Senior Research Culture Consultant -

Dr Andre Maia Chagas, leader of the Open Technologies Hub

Alice Sambrook, Open Research Coordinator and Administrator