RESOLVED: Turnitin issue 23 March
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Posted: Thu 23 Mar 2023, 1:21pm.
Turnitin, our submission and similarity check tool, have notified us that there is an issue with their service which is likely to effect students' ability to submit assessments.
They report that Turnitin Similarity, SimCheck, Originality and Crossref Similarity Check are currently experiencing an unexpected service incident.
During this time users in Europe may find that submissions are slower to upload and generate a Similarity Report.
See Turnitin Status - Unexpected Service Incident for current status of this incident.
UPDATE: 23 Mar 2023 - 2:21pm
Turnitin have confirmed this issue has now been resolved. The issue may have impacted student submission attempts from 11:05am to 13:56 on March 23rd.