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Questions and answers

How do I configure Thunderbird for Modern Authentication?

In Thunderbird select Account Settings Tab 

  • Add Mail Account 

 Add Mail Account

  • Enter your name as you want it to appear 

  • Enter your email address in username format 

  • DO NOT enter password at this time 

  • Continue 

Fill in credentials without password 

  • Enter Incoming Server Hostname: 

  • Enter Outgoing Server Hostname: 

  • Re-Test 

After re-test

After re-test

Ports should autofill

  • Change both Connection Securities to STARTTLS
  • Change both Authentication Methods to OAuth2

Press Done

Enter Password

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This is question number 2958, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Steve Eastty on 7 December 2022 and last updated by Steve Eastty on 24 May 2024