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Questions and answers

How do I add a Padlet wall to my site?

There are two different ways that you could add a Padlet wall to a Study Direct site. For more information about Padlet and its uses in teaching see this Study Direct News Item.

Adding a Padlet wall in a ‘Displayed Content’ box.

Navigate to the section that you wish to add a Padlet wall to, scroll to the bottom of the page and click +Add resources. Next click Displayed Content.

screenshot Then in the editor tool click the orange Embed Web Content button.


In the pop-up window, paste or type in the address of the Padlet wall that you would like to embed and click Submit.


Finally click Save.



Adding a Padlet wall using the ‘Embed wed content’ function

Navigate to the page that you wish to add a Padlet wall to, scroll to the bottom of the page and click +Add resources. Next click Embed web content.


Add a title to your resource using the first text box and paste or type in the address to your chosen Padlet wall in the second box. Then click Save.



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This is question number 2749, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Paolo Oprandi on 21 September 2015 and last updated by Anne Hole on 28 July 2016