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Questions and answers

When or how do I get my new site for the next academic year?

Before the start of each new academic year new Study Direct sites will be required. Unless you are requesting an Independent site (this is a site that you manually manage), your site will be linked, via the central database, to the module code for that module.

The Study Direct team aim to have the new sites, for the following academic year, automatically rolled out during the first couple of weeks in August. However, only modules that have at least one student enrolled on that module will have a corresponding site created.

If you want to start any earlier on your site you can do this by requesting an early bird site. Fill in option 1 ‘Request an "early-bird" site for a University module that is not currently created’ by simply entering the module code for that module and ensuring that the correct year is displayed.


Whichever method is used to create your new site the site created will be blank, this offers you the opportunity to either Rollover the content from a previous year, or to edit the site from scratch. Information on the rollover process is given in FAQ 2389 - How do I make a complete copy of a site's contents?


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This is question number 2732, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Mark Parsons on 21 July 2015 and last updated by Anne Hole on 17 August 2016