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Questions and answers

How do I change the order of my listed sites?

You can change the order in which items are displayed on your Sites listing page by clicking on the grey star icon, shown on the extreme right of the module/site title. Clicking the star changes the colour from grey to yellow and moves the module to the top of the list. The list is then arranged in alphabetical order, with the yellow starred sites/modules showing at the top of the list and everything else below. This is a very useful feature if you have sites that you visit on a regular basis, and want to organise the list to reduce the volume of sites you need to scroll through.

To remove the site from the top of the list click the yellow star icon, it will then turn grey and move the site to its previous location.


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This is question number 2510, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Mark Parsons on 13 September 2012 and last updated by Carol Shergold on 28 August 2018