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Questions and answers

Quiz: What is the difference between numerical and calculated questions?

In quizzes, two different question types can be used to let students answer with numbers � Numerical or Calculated.

For both types, it is possible to set up a tolerance range around the correct answer. You can also require that the students provide the units for their answer, with the ability to allow alternative units by specifying a conversion multiplier. 

For the Numerical question type, the teacher specifies a particular number as the correct answer. For instance, for the question 'How far is London from Brighton?', the question could be set up to allow students to respond with answers between 50 to 60 miles, or 80 to 100 km.


For the Calculated question type, the teacher uses the names of variables in the question and the formula to generate the answer.

For instance, a question template might read 'A train is travelling at a mean speed of X miles per hour, between two stations Y miles apart. How many minutes does the journey take?'

The associated formula would be: Answer = (X/Y)*60


The teacher then creates one or more sets of data which will be chosen at random when the question is presented to the student. A set of data can be generated automatically, or entered manually. Again, the teacher can specify a tolerance for the correct answer and allow the student to specify appropriate units.

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This is question number 1339, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Robert Adam Harris on 22 August 2007 and last updated by Mark Parsons on 1 July 2015