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Questions and answers

How do I add blocks to my site?

You can add functionality to your site by adding a ‘block’. You can add a search block, a feedback block, an HTML block (incl a Twitter feed), a latest news block, online users block, glossary block, a recent activity block, an RSS Feed block, a search block and an upcoming events block.

To add a new block to your site, click on the pencil icon to enable editing.


The Blocks menu will appear bottom left. Select your block from the list.  


Your block will appear on the right-hand side. Below, we have used the calendar block as an example.


Use the block icons to control the new block. In this example you can delete it, move it to the left or move it up to the top.


Watch this screencast for further assistance.



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This is question number 1325, which appears in the following categories:

Created by Robert Adam Harris on 21 August 2007 and last updated by Anne Hole on 25 July 2016