Sussex Researcher School

Postgraduate Research Experience Survey

Take part in the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey and tell us about your experience as a postgraduate researcher at Sussex. The 2025 survey runs from Monday 24 March to Friday 2 May.

About the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey

The Postgraduate Research Experience Survery (PRES) is a national survey that asks postgraduate researchers (PGRs) about their learning and research experience. The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) is run by AdvanceHE.

Questions cover the following areas:

  • supervision
  • resources
  • research culture and community
  • progress and assessment
  • responsibilities and support
  • research skills and professional development. 

How to take part

Eligible PGRs can fill in the survey online at any time from Monday 24 March until Friday 2 May 2025. You will receive an email from Jisc Online Surveys with the link when the survey launches, plus reminders during the survey period.

If you access the survey via a web or social media link like the one above, you will need your respondent ID (your Sussex username) and password (your registration number at the bottom of your student card and on Sussex Direct).

Why you should take part

The PRES is an opportunity for you to let us know about your experience as a PGR so far. Your responses will help to inform the continual development of PGR provision and support at Sussex.

As a thank you, PGRs who take the survey by Friday 2 May 2025 will be entered in to a cash prize draw to win one of five cash prizes worth £150. If you do not wish to participate in the prize draw you will be able to indicate this at the end of the survey.

Your data

You won’t be personally identifiable in the survey data, which will only be shared with the University of Sussex. Your data will be protected at all times.

Sussex Researcher School
