Health and Safety

How to Summon First Aid Provision

Contact Security on 01273 87333 or ext. 3333 if you require urgent first aid support or the emergency services.

Local First Aiders can be summoned via the Microsoft Teams call function to call a First Aider’s extension or mobile number.

First Aider details should be displayed locally in communal areas. If you do not know who/where your local First Aider is located, please contact your line manager or Health and Safety Coordinator or check out the master register below.

The First Aider Display Poster Template (HS048) is for Health and Safety Coordinator to fill out, print and display in their local areas.

First Aider Contact Details

Use the spreadsheet below to find your local First Aider, filter the 'Building' column to find your local First Aider details.

HS ID015 First Aider Register

Medical Response Team (MRT)

The Medical Response Team can be summoned through a telephone call directly or through the Security Team emergency contact number (01273 87 3333 or ext. 3333).

If an ambulance is required, the First Aider should call the emergency services on 999 and then notify Security that this call has been made and of their location. Security will then meet the emergency services at the rendezvous area on Knightsgate Road to avoid services getting lost on campus.