Monday December 10th, 2012
Lecture Theatre, Audrey Emerton Building, Royal Sussex County Hospital
Morning session
8.30-9 am: Registration, Ground Floor Entrance Foyer, Audrey Emerton building
9-9.10 am: Introduction by Professor Michael Farthing, Former Vice-Chancellor, University of Sussex
9.10-10 am: "Should we offer everyone HIV testing? A conundrum" (Speaker: Professor Jackie Cassell, Brighton and Sussex Medical School; Chair: Kathleen Stock, Philosophy Department, University of Sussex)
10-10.50 am: "HIV and moralising about sexual behaviour" (Speaker: Professor Francois Venter, Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute, University of the Witwatersrand; Chair: Professor Stefan Elbe, Centre for Global Health Policy, University of Sussex) )
10.50-11.10 am: Refreshments, Ground Floor Entrance Foyer, Audrey Emerton building
11.10-12 pm: "On the drafting of current guidelines on HIV testing" (Speaker: Dr Martin Fisher, Royal Sussex County Hospital; Professor Michael Morris, Philosophy Department, University of Sussex)
12-1 pm: "The patient's perspective" (Roundtable: Mr Jonathan Roberts, Royal Sussex County Hospital; Mr Paul Decle, Frontline HIV; Mr Paul Clift, Kings College Hospital; Chair: Andrew Chitty, Philosophy Department, University of Sussex)
1-2 pm: Sandwich lunch
Afternoon session
2-2.50 pm: "What are the effects of criminalising HIV transmission?" (Speaker: Professor Matthew Weait, School of Law, Birkbeck College; Chair: Professor Jackie Cassell, Brighton and Sussex Medical School)
2.50-3.30 pm: "Should knowledge of one’s HIV status be made mandatory?" (Speaker: Dr Lucy Allais, Department of Philosophy, University of Sussex; Chair: Professor Dudley Knowles, Philosophy Department, University of Glasgow)
3.30-3.50 pm: Refreshments, Ground Floor Entrance Foyer, Audrey Emerton building
3.50-4.40 pm: "Treating the reluctant mother: how persuasive should we be?" (Speaker: Dr Kate Harding, King's Healthcare Partners; Chair: Gordon Finlayson, Philosophy Department, University of Sussex.)
4.40-5.30 pm: "The use of antiretroviral therapy for HIV prevention" (Speaker: Dr Sarah Fidler, Imperial College; Chair: Tanja Staehler, Philosophy Department, University of Sussex)
This event is kindly sponsored by the School of History, Art History and Philosophy, University of Sussex; the University of Sussex Centre for Global Health Policy; the University of Sussex Research Theme ‘Environment and Health’; the Institute of Medical Ethics; and the Brighton and Sussex Medical School.