For staff
Useful forms are available to download at:
View/download the Staff Handbook:
ESW Staff Handbook 2024-25 [PDF 6.65MB]
See also our helpful Glossary of Terms & Acronyms: May 2022 [PDF 692.61KB]
- Staff Wellbeing: Where to go for help and support
If you need support in relation to your job, your first port of call might be your line manager. You might also want to refer to any of the following online resources for advice and links to support:
Report + Support is a tool for staff, students and even visitors to our campus and can be used to:
- find information about and get access to University and specialist support services
- have an advisor talk you through options for support or further action
- make the University aware of an experience you have had, anonymously if you choose
*NOTE: We can act on anonymous reports only rarely. See FAQs for more information. -
ESW's internal Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) web pages have information and links to helpful resources, such as union websites, the Chaplaincy & Meeting House, Human Resources for the School, and reporting lines for the reporting of bullying or harrassment at work - directed at you or that you have witnessed.
- ESW's internal bullying and harrassment web page has helpful advice and relevant links for accessing support.
- BAME staff might also be interested in our Race Equality web page and what the School of Education and Social Work is providing by way of opportunities to discuss and reflect on individual and collective experiences of inequality and racism and ways to decolonise the curriculum.
- Human Resources have a wealth of advice on the Staff Wellbeing Hub, including advice on mental, physical and financial wellbeing, and also managers' responsibilities regarding supporting their staff.
- Spectrum.Life (use code BeWell) runs the University's Employee Assistance Programme (EAP). Their helpline is available 24hrs 365 days of the year. As well as a confidential counselling helpline offering up to eight structured counselling sessions, they offer a medical helpline, legal support and help with day-to-day issues such as career coaching, consumer advice or relationship mediation.
- The Organisational Development department has a web page for Mentoring which is a University scheme whereby mentees are matched with suitable mentors from across the University - usually from a different School or division and who is slightly ahead of the mentee in their career- to aid them in their professional development. You can engage with the scheme by requesting to be a mentor or a mentee.
- School of Education and Social Work Strategic Plan 2019-25
ESW Strategic Plan 2019-25
- Workload Planning Guidance *faculty only
ESW Workload Guidance for 2023/24 academic year
- Health & Safety
- SCHOOL POLICY - Health & Safety (2021)
- Health & Safety Committee Terms of Reference: Feb 2022
- Health & Safety Responsibilities: 2021
- General Risk Assessment template: 2021
- Risk Assessment Guidance
- Display Screen Equipment
- ESW Firewardens - to be updated
For all other information related to health and safety at Sussex, visit the University's Health & Safety web pages where you can:
- access information relevant to your work activities
- request health and safety training
- report incidents, accidents, near misses or dangerous occurrences.
Information reported can be accessed by the School's Safety Coordinator as well as members of the University's Health & Safety team. This system does not replace the service offered by the SEF Service Centre (, which should be used to report issues with facilities within Schools/buildings and around campus.
University Policies
Risk Assessment
Look under 'R' for risk assessments on the University's Health and Safety A-Z web page for risk assessment forms, strategies, ratings and training course information.
- Human Resources
For recruitment operations:
Tel: 01273 873743
For HR related advice or support on strategic and organisational objectives:
Assistant HR Business Partner in the first instance: Katie Groves
HR Business Partner: Sarah-Jane Pocock
Employee Relations Partner: Ben SpencerFor Organisational Development advice and guidance:
OD Consultant: Katie Bradbury
For payroll queries:
Tel: 01273 877505
- University & School Policies
- Absence Management Process: Tiers 2 and 5
- Attendance and Engagement Monitoring Process: 2022-23
- Remote Meeting Safety Guidelines
- SCHOOL POLICY - Conference Attendance Fund: April 2022
- SCHOOL POLICY - Environmental
- SCHOOL POLICY - Externally Funded Visiting Postdocs: March 2022
- SCHOOL POLICY - Health & Safety (2021)
- SCHOOL POLICY - Research Study Leave
- SCHOOL POLICY - Scholarship Study Leave Policy & Form
- SCHOOL POLICY - School and Department Budget Allocation
- SCHOOL POLICY - Space Allocation
- SCHOOL POLICY - Staff Development
- SCHOOL POLICY - Visiting Research Fellowships
- ESW Visiting Associate Researcher Appointment Criteria
- SCHOOL POLICY - Visiting Students
- UNIVERSITY POLICY - data protection
- UNIVERSITY POLICY - information security
- QAA Framework for HE Qualifications
- Copyright Guidance
- FORMS: General
- Invoice Request Template
- FORMS - overtime
- FORMS - Research Study Leave
- FORMS - Scholarship Study Leave Policy & Form
- FORMS - misconduct letter template
- FORMS - sickness certificate
- FORMS - peer observation of teaching policy and documentation
- FORMS - academic staff appraisal 2018/19
- FORMS - staff development claim form
- FORMS: Financial
Claiming Expenses
For the latest expense claim forms, go to Payments Management - Forms (A-Z) (Travel and Working Away From Base, Hospitality and Out of Pocket Expenses) - FORMS: Courses/Modules
For the latest forms regarding course transfers/withdrawals, new module requests, module changes and pathways and electives, visit the Academic Quality and Partnerships (AQP) web pages. Specifically
- FORMS: Travel
- FORMS: Student related
- Sussex templates
If you would like design help/support in using the above templates, contact the Communications Officer, Heather Stanley:
ESW Events Calendar
Click on the relevant month to expand and view significant School meetings, events and committees.
See also the ESW Committee Timetable: 2024/25 [PDF 81.57KB] for the dates of committee meetings taking place across the academic year.
- March 2025
DATE: 3rd-7th Monday Tuesday Wednesday 10am-1pm: Combined BoS/SEC Meetings
2-3.30pm: Convenor Workshop for PGRs: Ethics with Dr David Orr - Seminar Room 18, Essex House
2-4pm: Ethics drop-in with Carol Cooley - The Sabina Avdagic Room (F30), Freeman Centre
Thursday 10am-12.30pm: Course Leader Meeting
Friday DATE: 10th-14th Monday Tuesday Wednesday 10am-12pm: PGT Resit PAB (MA Early years, MA Ed, MAIED, MACY, PG Cert HE)
2-3.15pm: Convenor workshop: Preparing for your Viva with Professor Gillian Ruch - Room 231, Bramber House
Thursday 10am-12pm: PGT Resit PAB (MA Early years, MA Ed, MAIED, MACY, PG Cert HE)
Friday 10am-12pm: PGT Resit PAB (MA Early years, MA Ed, MAIED, MACY, PG Cert HE)
DATE: 17th-21st Monday Tuesday Wednesday 10-11am: 'Overcoming Failure in Research proposals' *Details tba
2-4pm: Ethics drop-in with Carol Cooley - The Sabina Avdagic Room (F30), Freeman Centre
2-4pm: Hold for 'Overcoming Failure in Research proposals'
Thursday 12-1pm: PGT award decisions published
Friday DATE: 24th-28th Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 11am-12.30pm: Innovate Project: Time for a re-set: New directions in adolescent safeguarding and beyond - via Zoom
Friday 1-2pm: School Student Experience Group - April 2025
DATE: 1st-4th Tuesday Wednesday 1-4pm: Hold for SocSci + IDS 3MT competition
2-4pm: Ethics drop-in with Carol Cooley - The Sabina Avdagic Room (F30), Freeman Centre
Thursday 1.30-3.30pm: Workshop on Learning from Evaluation - Room 255, Bramber House
Friday DATE: 7th-11th Monday Tuesday Wednesday 10am-12.30pm: Save the date: Research AwayMorning
Thursday Friday DATE: 14th-18th Monday Tuesday Wednesday 9am-4pm: 'Building Bids: Creating Collaborative Support for External Research Funding' *Details tba
2-4pm: Ethics drop-in with Carol Cooley - The Sabina Avdagic Room (F30), Freeman Centre
Thursday Friday DATE: 21st-25th Monday Tuesday Wednesday 3.30-5pm: School Student Experience Group
Thursday 10am-12pm: Impact & Engagement in the Social Sciences [In-person] - Room 233, Arts C
Friday 9.30am-4pm: CSWIR Workshop *Details tba
DATE: 28th-30th Monday Tuesday Wednesday 2-4pm: Ethics drop-in with Carol Cooley - The Sabina Avdagic Room (F30), Freeman Centre - May 2025
DATE: 5th-9th Monday Tuesday 10.30am-12pm: PAB - All courses (Virtual for TWD return dates)
Wednesday 10am-1pm: Combined BoS/SEC Meetings
Thursday Friday DATE: 12th-16th Monday Tuesday 1-3pm: Funding support drop in [in person] - Room 152, Essex House
Wednesday 2-4pm: Ethics drop-in with Carol Cooley - The Sabina Avdagic Room (F30), Freeman Building
Thursday Friday DATE: 19th-23rd Monday Tuesday Wednesday 11am-1pm: ESW PGR Committee meeting
3-4.30pm: Convenor workshop : writing for publication II - Room G35, Jubilee Building
Thursday 11am-1pm: ESW Research Commitee
Friday DATE: 26th-30th Monday Tuesday 1-3pm: Funding support drop in [in person] - Room 152, Essex House
Wednesday 1-3.30pm: Course Leader Meeting
2-4pm: Ethics drop-in with Carol Cooley - The Sabina Avdagic Room (F30), Freeman Building
Thursday Friday