The EPP group runs a full seminar programme during the Autumn, Spring and Summer terms. Seminars are usually on Thursdays at 1pm in room 5C11 and over Zoom.
The full programme of seminars since 2019 can be found below:
- 2024/25 Academic Year
Autumn Term
10/10/2024: POSTPONED Prof David Milstead (Stockholm) - The search for baryon number violation with the HIBEAM/NNBAR experiment
31/10/2024: Daniela Koeck (Oregon) - FASER: latest physics updates
7/11/2024: Prof Henrique Araujo (Imperial) - Studying Dark Matter using LZ
14/11/2024: Dr Jacob Kempster (Sussex) - ATLAS Top quarks and EFTs
21/11/2024: Dr Anders Kvellestad (Oslo) - Putting it all together: what we can learn from BSM global fits
5/12/2024: Dr Nedaa-Alexandra Ashbah (Harvard) - Top quark physics
Winter Term
27/02/2025: Mark Sutton (Sussex) - TBD
6/03/2025: Dr Nello Bruscino (Roma La Sapienza) - Quantum entanglement in top quarks with ATLAS
13/03/2025: Sergey Burdin (Liverpool) - XLZD Outer Detector
03/04/2025: Teppei Katori (KCL) - Quantum Dot Liquid Scintillators for Particle Physics
10/04/2025: Gianna Loeschcke Centeno (Sussex) - ATLAS Top EFT
08/05/2025: Wilf Shorrock (Sussex) - LiquidO
15/05/2025: Ioannis Xiotidis (CERN) - NextGen Triggers Project
22/05/2025: Harry Simpson (Sussex) - VLL searches at ATLAS
- 2023/24 Academic Year
Autumn Term
12/10/2023: Nicolo Tuccori (Sussex) - Optimising scintillator-based detectors for fast Computed Tomography systems
26/10/2023: Dr Artur Sztuc (UCL) - Standard and Non-Standard Neutrino Oscillations with NOvA
2/11/2023: Postponed due to storm
9/11/2023: Dr Ioannis Xiotidis (Imperial) - Gaseous Argon Detector for Dune Phase 2
16/11/2023: Dr Kate Shaw (Sussex) - Open Science & ATLAS Open Data
23/11/2023: Evgueni Goudzovski (Birmingham) - High-Intensity Kaon Experiments (HIKE) at the CERN SPS
30/11/2023: Ken Mimasu (Southampton) - EFT interpretation of LHC top data
7/12/2023: Tom Stevenson (Sussex) - Inclusive and differential cross section measurements of tt¯Z production with ATLAS including EFT and spin correlations interpretations
Winter Term
22/02/2024: Dr Vasiliki Mitsou (Valencia) - MoEDAL-MAPP - Probing New Physics in the Lifetime Frontier [remote]
29/02/2024: Dr Jost Migenda (KCL) - SNEWS
7/03/2024: Dr Zoya Vallari (Caltech) - NOvA-T2K combined analysis results [remote]
14/03/2024: Dr Pawel Majewski (RAL) - The MIGDAL experiment: Measuring a rare atomic process to aid the search for dark matter
21/03/2024: Karolina Wresilo - Overview and Status of the 2x2 NDLAr Demonstrator: A pixel-based LAr TPC Prototype for the DUNE Near Detector
Spring Term
18/04/2024: Dr Charlie Mills (ICR) - From physics to biology: a personal perspective
25/04/2024: Prof Maria Ubiali (CAM) - Hide and Seek: How PDFs can conceal New Physics [remote]
02/05/2024: Dr Afroditi Papadopoulou - Exclusive Proton Final-States and Kinematic Imbalance in Differential Neutrino Cross-Sections with the MicroBooNE Detector [remote]
16/05/2024: Dr Sarah Mancina (UW-Madison) - Searches for Galactic and Extragalactic Neutrino Sources using IceCube Starting Tracks
Summer Break
27/06/2024: Antonella De Santo (Sussex) - Hunting for SUSY with the ATLAS Experiment – The LHC Run-2 Legacy and Beyond
04/07/2024: Garrett Wendell (Penn State) - Detector R&D for MeV scale neutrinos
- 2022/23 Academic Year
Autumn Term
20/10/2022: Dr Jon Burr (Cambridge) - Searching for long-lived particles with the ANUBIS detector
27/10/2022: Dr Chris Parkinson (Birmingham) - The present and future of kaon physics at CERN
10/11/2022: Dr Daniela Koeck (Oregon) - ATLAS SUSY Searches in Tau Signatures
17/11/2022: Prof Doug Cowen (Penn State) - All Tau Neutrinos, Great and Small: Tau Neutrino Physics with IceCube Spanning Six Orders of Magnitude in Energy
01/12/2022: Dr Marco Aparo (Sussex) - Searches for chargino and neutralino electroweak production with ATLAS
08/12/2022: Dr Asher Kaboth (RHUL) - First Science Results from the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Experiment
Winter Term
19/01/2022: Dr Nazlim Agaras (IFAE/CERN) - ATLAS BSM Higgs
09/02/2023: Dr Sarah Williams (Cambridge) - ECR Perspective on the Future of Particle Physics
02/03/2023: Ms Josephine Paton [she/her] (Oxford) - Directional Reconstruction in Liquid Scintillators for Neutrino Detectors (SNO+)
09/03/2023: Dr Jose Verdu (Sussex) - Neutrino Mass Measurement
30/03/2023: Dr Nathaniel Sherrill (Sussex) - Searches for Lorentz and CPT violation
Spring Term
27/04/2023: Prof Chris Hays (Oxford) - W measurement (CDF)
11/05/2023: Dr Sarah Williams (Cambridge) - ECR perspective on future colliders and detector R&D
08/06/2023: Dr Josh McFayden (Sussex) - The FASER Experiment
19/07/2023: Dr Yibing Zhang (Beijing) - Core-collapse Supernova Neutrino Observation in JUNO
- 2021/22 Academic Year
Autumn Term
04/11/2021: Dr Ashlea Kemp (Queens University) - Dark Matter Searches at DEAP-3600
18/11/2021: Dr Will Barter (ICL) - Measurement of the W Boson Mass at LHCb
25/11/2021: Dr Lauren Antony (ICL) - Measuring Neutrino Oscillations Precisely: Reducing Systematics in Water Cherenkov Detectos with the WTCE
Winter Term
13/01/2022: Dr Steve Dennis (Cambridge) - New Low-Energy Excess Results from MicroBooNE
10/02/2022: Dr Magnuss Schlosser (KIT) - Direct Neutrino-Mass Measurements with Sub-eV Sensitivity with KATRIN
03/03/2022: Dr Jamie Boyd (CERN) - The Forward Physics Facility at the HL-LHC
17/03/2022: Adriana Dias (RHUL) - PlomBOX - The Development of a Low-Cost CMOS Device for Environmental Monitoring
Spring Term
21/04/2022: Dr Jost Migenda (KCL) - Neutrino Astronomy with Hyper-Kamiokande
28/04/2022: Alex Valentine (UKAEA) - Understanding the Nuclear Environment in Fusion Reactors
12/05/2022: Dr Anatael Cabrera (IJCLab) - The Paradigm of Opaque Particle Detection: LiquidO - Part 1
26/05/2022: Dr Liz Kneale (Sheffield) - WATCHMAN
09/06/2022: Dr Anatael Cabrera (IJCLab) - Reactor Neutrino Fundamental Research: a Possible Future - Part 2
16/06/2022: Dr Wilf Shorrock (Sussex) - T2K’s SuperFGD detector
- 2020/21 Academic Year
Autumn Term
01/10/2020: Meirin Evans (Sussex) - Connecting Teaching to Research: ATLAS Open Data in Sussex Courses
22/10/2020: Fabritzio Trovato (Sussex) - Searches for Chargino and Neutralino Production in Decays to Three-Lepton Final States via Intermediate Bosons using √s = 13 TeV pp Collisions with the ATLAS detector
29/10/2020: Dr Shingo Hayashida (ICL) - The SoLid Experiment: Searches for New Oscillations with Very Short Baseline Reactor Antineutrinos
05/11/2020: Dr Yanyan Gao (Edinburgh) - The Circular Electron Positron Collider Project
12/11/2020: Dr Mercedes Panicca (Geneva) - High-precision Cosmic-Ray and Space Radiation Measurements with the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer on the International Space Station and Development of the PAN Instrument for Deep Space Exploration
26/11/2020: Prof Etienne Lienard (CAEN/GANIL) - Search for New Physics Beyond the Standard Model with Precision Measurements in Nuclear Beta Decays
10/12/2020: Iker de Icaza Astiz (Sussex) - The Short Baseline Near Detector at Fermilab
Winter Term
14/01/2021: Dr Pierre Nouvellet (Sussex/Imperial) - SARS-CoV2 Dynamics and Transmission, Attempting to Make Sense of Some Numbers
21/01/2021: Dr Sammy Valder (Sussex) - Measuring Electron Neutrino Cross-Sections using the T2K Near Detector
28/01/2021: Dr Asher Kaboth (RHUL) - LUX-ZEPLIN: A Rare Event Observatory
18/02/2021: Dr Angela Romano (Birmingham) - Recent Results from the NA62 Experiment at CERN SPS
11/03/2021: Ana Sofia Inacio (LIP) - Optical Calibration of the SNO+ Detector in the Water Phase with Deployed Sources
18/03/2021: Dr Thiago Bezerra (Sussex) - θ13: From the 'Discovery' to the Percent Precision Era (2000 - 2030)
25/03/2021: Dr Matteo Agostini (UCL) - Majorana Neutrinos and Matter Creation in Ge-76 Nuclear Decays
Spring Term
22/04/2021: Dr Rodrigo Gamboa Goni (Universidad Panamericana) - Search for Non-Resonant Di-Higgs Production to the bb(tau)(tau) Final State using a Committee Machine with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC using pp Collisions at 13 TeV
29/04/2021: Dr Leon Pickard (UC Davis) - ANNIE Experiment
13/05/2021: Dr Clara Hormigos-Feliu (Dortmund/Rome) - Multi-Lepton Signatures of Vector-Like Leptons with Flavor
20/05/2021: Dr Genevieve Bellanger (Annecy) - Two Component Dark Matter Candidates
17/06/2021: Mario Spina (Sussex) - Detecting Low-pT b-hadrons to Extend 3G SUSY Sensitivity
- 2019/20 Academic Year
Autumn Term
03/10/2019: Jacob Thorne (UniBe) - Neutrino Beam EDM
24/10/2019: Ajit Kurup (ICL) - Medical Applications of Particle Accelerator and Detector Technologies
31/10/2019: Jonas Lindert (Sussex) - LHC Phenomenology and BSM Searches
07/11/2019: Minoo Kabirnezhad (Oxford) - The Importance of Neutrino Interaction Theory and its Impact on Neutrino Oscillation Experiments
14/11/2019: Stephanie Baines (KCL) - Effective Field Theory Treatment of Dirac Type Monopole Production
21/11/2019: Peter Hatfield (Oxford) - The Relationship Between Galaxies and Dark Matter Over the History of the Universe
05/12/2019: Pascal Pralavorio (Geneva) - Direct Searches for Dark Matter with DarkSide and MadMax Experiments
12/12/2019: Rebecca Chislett (UCL) - The Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab
Winter Term
16/01/2020: Vivian Raymond (Cardiff) - Gravitational Physics / LIGO
23/01/2020: Tomislav Vladisavljevic (Oxford) - Predicting the T2K Neutrino Flux
30/01/2020: Connie Potter (CERN) - Science Outreach Initiatives at Music and Culture Festivals
06/02/2020: Cenk Turkoglu (Sussex) - Constructing a GEANT4 Based Electromagnetic Background Model for the CRESST Experiment
13/02/2020: Matthew Wing (UCL) - Acceleration of Electrons in the Plasma Wakefield of a Proton Bunch at the AWAKE Experiment
Spring Term
28/05/2020: Joe Davighi (Cambridge) - New Physics Explanations of Neutral Current B-Anomalies
18/06/2020: Alison Elliot (QMUL) - Searches for Dark Matter in ATLAS - Associations from Boson to b-quarks
25/06/2020: Jamie Boyd (CERN) - The FASER Experiment at the CERN-LHC: Looking Forward to New Physics
01/07/2020: Ronald Garcia Ruiz (MIT) - Exotic Atoms and Molecules for Nuclear Science
09/07/2020: Alexander Booth (Sussex) - Latest 3-flavour Oscillation Results from NOvA
16/07/2020: Tracey Berry (RHUL) - The Evolution of Contact Interactions Searches Using the ATLAS Detector
Seminars in italics are upcoming.
Seminars in grey are from past academic years.
For more information about EPP seminars please contact either Wilf Shorrock, Dominic Jones, or Antonella De Santo.