The Sussex EPP group is home to 12 faculty, 7 postdocs and 20 PhD students, undertaking world-leading research on the ATLAS, nEDM, NOvA, DUNE, and SNO+ experiments.
In addition to our research, all faculty members in the group teach modules on the undergraduate Physics degree courses at Sussex, and postdocs and PhD students contribute to the running of their experiments in the form of technical tasks, detector control room shifts, and software and hardware development and maintenance.
The Sussex EPP group were involved in two recent Nobel Prizes - for the 2012 discovery of the Higgs boson and the 2015 discovery of neutrino oscillations (Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics). We also hold a number of prestigious grants and fellowships awarded by the ATLAS experiment (ATLAS Outstanding achievement), the European Physical Society (EPS Outreach Prize ), the European Research Council (ERC Consolidator Grant), the Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology ( IPPP Associateship, Senior Experimental Fellowship), the Institute of Physics (IoP HEPP Group Prize), the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC Public Engagament Large Award) , and the Royal Society ( Wolfson Merit Award, Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship).
We are excited about potential new collaborations with scientists from the UK and overseas, and there are lots of opportunities our group members would be happy to discuss with potential new collaborators, such as:
STFC ERF [ Early September ]
RS URF [ Early September ]
DHF [ Mid November ]
Newton International [ Late March ]
MSCA individual fellowships. [ Mid September ]
Royal Commission for the exhibition of 1851. [ Early February ]
For students there are several opportunities for working within the EPP group, including: University of Sussex Postgraduate Scholarships, Junior research Associate Scheme, CERN traineeships.
Our research is supportedby the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), with additional support from the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) and from the European Research Council (ERC). Sussex EPP enjoys strong research links with members of the Sussex Theoretical Particle Physics group and with other partners in the SEPnet consortium.