Date: Monday 10th June 2013
Speaker: Dr Sarah Bragg, Senior Research Fellow, University of Brighton
Title: "Sexualisation" as global cause and participatory sport
Seminar Promo: Seminar Series Promo: 17june2013 [DOC 141.00KB]
Date: Monday 20th May 2013
Time: 5pm
Venue: Room 104, Fulton
Speaker: Michael Fielding, Emeritus Professor of Education, Institute of Education, University of London
Title: Schools for Deep Democracy: In praise of radical traditions of publicly-funded education
Seminar Promo: Occasional Speaker Seminar Promo - 20may2013 [DOC 141.00KB]
Date: Monday 18th March 2013
Time: 5pm
Venue: Room 104, Fulton
Speaker: Dr Carol Taylor, Sheffield Hallam University
Title: Student engagement / Engaging students: Discourses, practices and critiques
Seminar Promo: Occasional Speaker Seminar Promo: 18mar2013 [DOC 141.00KB]
Date: Monday 25th February 2013
Speaker: Professor Debra Myhill, Associate Dean - Research & Knoeledge Transfer, College of Social Sciences and International Studies, University of Exeter
Title: Grammar and Writing: Creative Symbiosis
Seminar Promo: Seminar Series Promo: 25feb2013 [DOC 141.00KB]
Date: Monday 15th October 2012
Speakers: Dr Andy Chandler-Grevatt, Dr Ally Daubney, Duncan Mackrill, Professor Judy Sebba & Dr Jo Westbrook, Department of Education, School of Education and Social Work, University of Sussex
Title: Researching primary-secondary transfer in English schools: Emerging findings from three research groups
Seminar Promo: Seminar Series Promo - 15oct2012 [DOC 141.00KB]
Seminar Presentation: CIRCLETS Members - Primary to secondary transition: 3 research projects [PPT 1.48MB]