Date: Monday 24th October 2012
Speakers: Sarah Aynsley, Louise Gazeley, Angie Jacklin & Judy Sebba, Department of Education, School of Education and Social Work, University of Sussex
Title: Increasing access to higher education for less advantaged young people: Evaluation of the Villiers Park Scholar's programme
Seminar Promo: Seminar Series Promo - 24oct2011 [DOC 140.00KB]
Seminar Presentation: Ed Team - Promoting Fair Access [PPT 333.50KB]
Project Final Report: Promoting Fair Access: Final Report [DOC 648.00KB]
Date: Monday 14th May 2012
Speaker: Professor Ann Phoenix, NOVELLA, National Centre for Research Methods, Thomas Coram Research Unit, Insitute of Education, University of London
Title: Adult narratives of 'non-normative' childhood experiences: Using autobiography to claim liveable lives
Seminar Promo: Seminar Series Promo: 14may2012 [DOC 141.00KB]
Date: Monday 5th March 2012
Speaker: Dr Julia Snell, Kings College, London
Title: Interactional sociolinguistic approaches
Seminar Promo: Seminar Series Promo - 5mar2012 [DOC 140.50KB]
Supporting documentation:
Snell Seminar: Identity doc [DOCX 31.15KB]
Snell Seminar: Pupil identity [PDF 944.23KB]
Snell Seminar: Pedagogic pace [PDF 250.09KB]
Snell Seminar: Classroom discourse [PDF 601.53KB]
Snell Seminar: Popular culture genre mixing [PDF 679.15KB]