Centre for Inquiry and Research in Cognition, Learning and Teaching in Sussex (CIRCLETS)

Evaluating mathematics pathways

Running from 2007 to December 2010, the Evaluating Mathematics Pathways (EMP) project was an independent evaluation of the mathematics pathways pilots conducted on behalf of - and funded by - QCA. Led by the School of Education at the University of Nottingham, in collaboration with the Universities of Manchester and Sussex (Pat Drake and Clare Tikly from the University of Sussex), the project evaluated the manageability and impact of a range of new 14-19 mathematics qualifications. A symposium about the project was held at BERA in September 2008.

Project methods included:

1. Longitudinal case studies of 50 or so pilot centres around the country and a similar number of short case studies to pick up issues

2. Scrutiny of question items in pilot and existing qualifications at all levels and entry tiers

3. Consultation with stakeholders about the manageability and impact of the new qualifications

An article about the project was published in the International Journal of Science and Mathematical Education:
Noyes, A., Wake, G. and Drake, P. (2011): Widening and increasing post-16 mathematics participation: Pathways, pedagogies and politics. International Journal of Science and Mathematical Education, 9 (2), 483-501

View or download the Evaluating Mathematics Pathways Final Report by clicking on the image below.

Evaluating Mathematics Pathways: final report