Centre for Higher Education and Equity Research (CHEER)

Roma Education

How to access the resources:

  • Items are arranged thematically.
  • In each case the nature of the resource is indicated in round brackets in particular noting whether it relates to original empirical research.
  • Geographical location is indicated by use of International Registration Letter in square brackets.
  • Each item is then labelled O if it is an open resource which is available directly by clicking on the reference or R if it is restricted. Where possible we have sought to find resources on open access.
  • Clicking on any item will lead you to the resource – you may prefer to right click and open the link in a new tab or window to preserve your place in the HEIM database.


Research carried out within the HEIM project conforms to the University of Sussex Code of Practice for Research and to the similar policies of other partners in the project. References provided here to work carried out outside the project are offered on the basis of their potential relevance for those studying inclusion in higher education and especially Roma engagement. Any interpretations, opinions and views expressed are not necessarily those of the partners of the HEIM project (see also University of Sussex policy on Freedom of Speech).

Access to Education

Council of Europe. (2006). Education des enfants roms en Europe. (Discussion) [EU] O

FAKALI (2012): Estrategias de cooperación con las mujeres gitanas. Sevilla: IAM/AMURADI.

Fundacion Secretariado Gitano. (2006). Incorporación y trayectoria de niñas gitanas en la E.S.O. (Empirical Research) [E] O

Fundacion Secretariado Gitano. (2010). Evaluación de la Normalización educativa de Las alumnas y Los alumnos gitanos en Educación Primaria. (Empirical Research) [E] O

Fundacion Secretariado Gitano. (2013). El alumnado gitano en Secundaria. Un estudio comparado. (Empirical Research) [E] O

Fundación Secretariado Gitano. (2013). Roma students in secondary education in Spain. A comparative study. (Empirical Research) [E] O

Gkofa, P. (2016). Greek Roma in Higher Education: A Qualitative Investigation of Educational Success. School of Social Science and Public Policy. (Empirical Research) [GR]O

Mantras, Y., Leggio, V. D., & Steel, M. (2015). Roma Education’ as a Lucrative Niche: Ideologies and Representations. Zeitschrift Für Internationale Bildungsforschung Und Entwicklungspädagogik, 38(1). (Discussion) [GB] O

Miskovic, M. (2013). Roma Education in Europe: Practices, policies and politics. (Edited Book) [EU] R

Nikolaou, G. (2009). Teacher training on Roma education in Greece: a discussion about the results of INSET Roma experience in two Greek schools. Intercultural Education, 20(6), 549–577. (Empirical Research) [GR] R

Open Society Institute. (2007). A romák minôségi oktatáshoz való egyenlô mértékû hozzájutása. (Discussion) [H] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Acces egal la educaţie de calitate pentru romi. (Discussion) [RO] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Equal Access to Quality Education for Roma Volume 1. (Discussion) [BG, H, RO, SRB] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Equal Access to Quality Education for Roma Volume 2. (Discussion) [HR, MK, MNE, SK] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Jednak pristup kvalitetnom obrazovanju za Rome. (Discussion) [MNE] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Jednaka dostupnost kvalitetnog obrazovanja za Rome u Srbiji. (Discussion) [SRB] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Ravnopravan pristup Roma kvalitetnom odgoju i obrazovanju. (Discussion) [HR, MK, MNE, SK] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Rovnaký prístup Rómov ku kvalitnému vzdelávaniu. (Discussion) [SK] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Еднаков пристап до квалитетно образование за Ромите Том два. (Discussion) [MK] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Равен достъп на ромите до качествено образование“ Том 1 (България, Унгария, Румъния, Сърбия). (Discussion) [BG] O

Open Society Institute. (2008). Equal Access to Quality Education For Roma Slovakia. (Discussion) [SK] O

Romeurope Collectif National Droits de l’Homme. (2011). La scolarisation des enfants nouvellement arrivés en France. (Discussion) [F] O

Inclusion and (De)Segregation

Amnesty International and European Roma Rights. (2012). Čechiko rajariben na kerellačhi buťi imar pandž berš o školi diskriminen le romen. (Discussion [CZ] O

Amnesty International and European Roma Rights. (2012). Five More Years of Injustice: Segregated Education for Roma in the Czech Republic. (Discussion) [CZ] O

Amnesty International and European Roma Rights. (2017). A lesson in discrimination segregation of romani children in primary education in slovakia. (Empirical Research) [SK] O

Amnesty International and European Roma Rights. (2017). Lekcia z diskriminácie segregácia rómskych detí v základnom vzdelávaní v slovenskej republike. (Empirical Research) [SK] O

Anti-Discrimination Centre. (2009). Problem of discrimination and violation of the rights of Roma children at Russian schools. (Discussion) [RUS] O

Anti-Discrimination Centre. (2017). нарушения экономических и социальных прав рома (цыган) и коренных малочисленных народов; дискриминация уязвимых групп в трудовой сфере. (Discussion) [RUS] O

Brüggemann, C. (2012). CIS. Roma education in comparative perspective. Analysis of the UNDP/World Bank/EC regional Roma Survey. (Empirical Research) [BG, CZ, H, RO, SK, HR, AL, MK, MNE, BIH, MD, F, E, P, I, PL, GR] O

Council of Europe. (2015). European Roma Institute. (Discussion) [EU] O

European Commission. (2014). Rapport sur la mise en œuvre du cadre de l’UE pour les stratégies nationales d’intégration des Roms. (Discussion) [EU] O

European Roma Rights Centre and Roma Education Fund. (2009). Persistent Segregation of Roma in the Czech Education System. (Empirical Research) [CZ] O

European Roma Rights Centre and Roma Education Fund. (2009). Přetrvávající segregace romských dětí v českém vzdělávacím systému. (Discussion) [CZ] O

European Roma Rights Centre. (2008). Denial of equal access to quality education for Roma children in Ukraine. (Discussion) [UA] O

European Roma Rights Centre. (2017). ERRC submission to the European Commission on the enlargement component of the EU Roma Framework. (Discussion) [AL, RKS, TR, MK, SRB] O

FAKALI (2016): Pacto contra el antigitanismo. Protocolo de actuación. Sevilla: FAKALI

Farkas, L. (2014). Report on discrimination of Roma children in education (Discussion) [EU] O

Fundacion Secretariado Gitano. (2016). CALÍ. Equality for Roma women. (Summary Report) [E] O

Greenberg, J. (2010). Report on Roma Education Today: From Slavery to Segregation and Beyond. Columbia Law Review, 110(4), 919–1001. (Systematic Review) [EU] O

Járóka, L. (2007). Roma Education on the Agenda of the European Union, European Education. European Education, 39(1), 81–87. (Discussion) [EU] R

Jovanović, Đ., & Mandache, M. (2016). Breaches of Directive 2000/43 resulting from segregation of Romani children in the Romanian education system. (Discussion) [RO] O

Liégeois, J. P. (2007). Original Article Roma Education and Public Policy: A European Perspective. European Education, 39(2), 11–31. (Discussion) [EU] R

Mantras, Y., Leggio, V. D., & Steel, M. (2015). Roma Education’ as a Lucrative Niche: Ideologies and Representations. Zeitschrift Für Internationale Bildungsforschung Und Entwicklungspädagogik, 38(1). (Discussion) [GB] O

Marc, A., & Bercus, C. (2007). The Roma Education Fund: A New Tool for Roma Inclusion. (Discussion) [EU] R

McDonald, C. (2009). The education of Roma children: inroads to good practice, the REI example. (Discussion) [BG, SRB, H, HR, MK, SK, MNE, SLO] O

Meinhardt, R. (2005). Hochschule und hochqualifizierte MigrantInnen – bildungspolitische Konzepte zur Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt. (Edited Book) [D] O

Ministerio de Sanidad, Sevecios Sociales e Igualdad (2012). Estrategia Nacional para la Inclusión Social de la Población Gitana en España 2012­-2020. (Discussion) [E] O

Miskovic, M. (2009). Roma education in Europe: in support of the discourse of race. (Discussion) [EU] R

Mulcahy E., Baars S., Bowen-Viner K. and Menzies, L. (2017) The underrepresentation of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils in higher education A report on barriers from early years to secondary and beyond London, LKMco. (Empirical Research) [GB]

O’Nions, H. (2010). Different and unequal: the educational segregation of Roma pupils in Europe. Intercultural Education, 1–13. (Discuss) [EU] R

Open Society Institute. (2016). Strategic Litigation Impacts. Roma School Desegregation. (Empirical Research) [CZ, GR, H] O

Rostas, I. (2012). Ten Years After. A History of Roma School Desegregation in Central and Eastern Europe. Central European University Press. (Edited Book) [Central. And Eastern. EU] O

Roussinova, S. (2014). Assisting Communities to Access EU Funds for Inclusion. The “Project Generation Model” Piloted by the Open Society Foundations (OSF). (Discussion) [EU] O

Scullion, L., & Brown, P. (2013). Promoting the inclusion of Roma in and through education. Transnational policy review and research report. (Systematic Review-Empirical Reserach) [E, GB, NL] O

National Studies

Amnesty International and European Roma Rights. (2012). Čechiko rajariben na kerellačhi buťi imar pandž berš o školi diskriminen le romen. (Discussion [CZ] O

Amnesty International and European Roma Rights. (2012). Five More Years of Injustice: Segregated Education for Roma in the Czech Republic. (Discussion) [CZ] O

Amnesty International and European Roma Rights. (2017). A lesson in discrimination segregation of romani children in primary education in slovakia. (Empirical Research) [SK] O

Amnesty International and European Roma Rights. (2017). Lekcia z diskriminácie segregácia rómskych detí v základnom vzdelávaní v slovenskej republike. (Empirical Research) [SK] O

Anti-Discrimination Centre. (2009). Problem of discrimination and violation of the rights of Roma children at Russian schools. (Discussion) [RUS] O

Anti-Discrimination Centre. (2017). нарушения экономических и социальных прав рома (цыган) и коренных малочисленных народов; дискриминация уязвимых групп в трудовой сфере. (Discussion) [RUS] O

Avery, H., & Hoxhallar, I. (2017). From Policy to Practice: Roma Education in Albania and Sweden. The Urban Review. (Empirical Reserach) [AL, S] O

Carmona Padilla, T., González Monteagudo, J., Soria Vílchez, A. (2017). Gitanos en la Universidad: Un estudio de caso de trayectorias de éxito en la Universidad de Sevilla. Revista de Educación, 377, 187–211. (Empiral Research) [E] O

Carmona Padilla, T., González Monteagudo, J., Soria Vílchez, A. (2017). Roma in Higher Education: A case study of successfull trajectories at the University of Seville. Revista de Educación, 377, 184–207. (Empirical Research) [E] O

European Roma Rights Centre and Roma Education Fund. (2009). Persistent Segregation of Roma in the Czech Education System. (Empirical Research) [CZ] O

European Roma Rights Centre and Roma Education Fund. (2009). Přetrvávající segregace romských dětí v českém vzdělávacím systému. (Discussion) [CZ] O

European Roma Rights Centre. (2008). Denial of equal access to quality education for Roma children in Ukraine. (Discussion) [UA] O

Fundacion Secretariado Gitano. (2006). Incorporación y trayectoria de niñas gitanas en la E.S.O. (Empirical Research) [E] O

Fundacion Secretariado Gitano. (2010). Evaluación de la Normalización educativa de Las alumnas y Los alumnos gitanos en Educación Primaria. (Empirical Research) [E] O

Fundación Secretariado Gitano. (2012). Estrategia Nacional para la Inclusión Social de la Población Gitana en España 2012­-2020. (Discussion) [E] O

Fundacion Secretariado Gitano. (2013). El alumnado gitano en Secundaria. Un estudio comparado. (Empirical Research) [E] O

Fundación Secretariado Gitano. (2013). Roma students in secondary education in Spain. A comparative study. (Empirical Research) [E] O

Fundación Secretariado Gitano. (2016). CALÍ. Equality for Roma women. (Summary Report) [E] O

Gkofa, P. (2016). Greek Roma in Higher Education: A Qualitative Investigation of Educational Success. School of Social Science and Public Policy. (Empirical Research) [GR]O

Jovanović, Đ., & Mandache, M. (2016). Breaches of Directive 2000/43 resulting from segregation of Romani children in the Romanian education system. (Discussion) [RO] O

Kyuchukov, H. (2007). Good practices in Roma education in Bulgaria during the years of transition. Intercultural Education, 18(1), 29–39. (Discussion) [BG] R

New, W. (2011). Stigma and Roma Education Policy Reform in Slovakia. European Education.43 (4), 45-61. (Discussion) [SK] R

Nikolaou, G. (2009). Teacher training on Roma education in Greece: a discussion about the results of INSET Roma experience in two Greek schools. Intercultural Education, 20(6), 549–577. (Empirical Research) [GR] R

O’Hanlon, C. (2015). The European Struggle to Educate and Include Roma People: A Critique of Differences in Policy and Practice in Western and Eastern EU Countries. Social Inclusion, 4(1), 1–10. (Discussion) [BG, H, CZ, RO, SK, F, I, E, P] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). A romák minôségi oktatáshoz való egyenlô mértékû hozzájutása. (Discussion) [H] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Acces egal la educaţie de calitate pentru romi. (Discussion) [RO] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Equal Access to Quality Education for Roma Volume 1. (Discussion) [BG, H, RO, SRB] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Equal Access to Quality Education for Roma Volume 2. (Discussion) [HR, MK, MNE, SK] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Jednak pristup kvalitetnom obrazovanju za Rome. (Discussion) [MNE] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Jednaka dostupnost kvalitetnog obrazovanja za Rome u Srbiji. (Discussion) [SRB] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Ravnopravan pristup Roma kvalitetnom odgoju i obrazovanju. (Discussion) [HR, MK, MNE, SK] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Rovnaký prístup Rómov ku kvalitnému vzdelávaniu. (Discussion) [SK] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Еднаков пристап до квалитетно образование за Ромите Том два. (Discussion) [MK] O

Open Society Institute. (2007). Равен достъп на ромите до качествено образование“ Том 1 (България, Унгария, Румъния, Сърбия). (Discussion) [BG] O

Open Society Institute. (2008). Equal Access to Quality Education For Roma Slovakia. (Discussion) [SK] O

Romeurope Collectif National Droits de l’Homme. (2011). La scolarisation des enfants nouvellement arrivés en France. (Discussion) [F] O

Romeurope Collectif National Droits de l’Homme. (2011). Rapport sur la situation des Roms migrants en France. (Discussion) [F] O

Rostas, I. (2012). Ten Years After. A History of Roma School Desegregation in Central and Eastern Europe. Central European University Press. (Edited Book) [Central. And Eastern. EU] O

Trimikliniotis, N. (2009). The Cypriot Roma and the Failure of Education: Anti-Discrimination and Multiculturalism as a Postaccession Challenge. In The Minorities of Cyprus: Development Patterns and the Identity of the Internal-Exclusion. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (Discussion) [CY] O


Avery, H., & Hoxhallar, I. (2017). From Policy to Practice: Roma Education in Albania and Sweden. The Urban Review. (Empirical Research) [AL, S] O

Flecha, R., & Soler, M. (2013). Turning difficulties into possibilities: engaging Roma families and students in school through dialogic learning. Cambridge Journal of Education, 43(4), 451–456. (Empirical Research) [E] R

Gkofa, P. (2016). Greek Roma in Higher Education: A Qualitative Investigation of Educational Success. School of Social Science and Public Policy. (Empirical Research) [GR] O

Hazelkorn, E., & Gibson, A. (2017). Public goods and public policy: what is public good, and who and what decides? (No. 18). (Discussion) [NL, EIR] O

Jovanović, Đ., & Mandache, M. (2016). Breaches of Directive 2000/43 resulting from segregation of Romani children in the Romanian education system. (Discussion) [RO] O

Kocze, A., Kullmann, A., Scharle, A., Szendrey, O., Teller, N., & Zentai, V. (2014). Programming the Structural Funds for Roma Inclusion in 2014-20. (Discussion) [EU] O

Kyuchukov, H. (2007). Good practices in Roma education in Bulgaria during the years of transition. Intercultural Education, 18(1), 29–39. (Discussion) [BG] R

Mirga-Kruszelnicka, A. (2017). Revisiting the EU Roma framework: Assessing the European Dimension for the Post-2020 Future. (Empirical Research) [CZ, H,RO, BG, SK] R

Miskovic, M. (2013). Roma Education in Europe: Practices, policies and politics. (Edited Book-Empirical Reserach) [EU] R

New, W. (2011). Stigma and Roma Education Policy Reform in Slovakia. European Education.43 (4), 45-61. (Discussion) [SK] R

O’Hanlon, C. (2015). The European Struggle to Educate and Include Roma People: A Critique of Differences in Policy and Practice in Western and Eastern EU Countries. Social Inclusion, 4(1), 1–10. (Discussion) [BG, H, CZ, RO, SK, F, I, E, P] O

Pohjolainen, L. (2014). Roma and Education. (Discussion) [EU, EIR] O

Romeurope Collectif National Droits de l’Homme. (2011). Rapport sur la situation des Roms migrants en France. (Discussion) [F] O

Scullion, L., & Brown, P. (2013). Promoting the inclusion of Roma in and through education. Transnational policy review and research report. (Systematic Review-Empirical Reserach) [E, GB, NL] O

Trimikliniotis, N. (2009). The Cypriot Roma and the Failure of Education: Anti-Discrimination and Multiculturalism as a Postaccession Challenge. In The Minorities of Cyprus: Development Patterns and the Identity of the Internal-Exclusion. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (Discussion) [CY] O

Projects and NGOs

Fundacion Secretariado Gitano. (2006). Incorporación y trayectoria de niñas gitanas en la E.S.O. (Empirical Research) [E] O

Fundacion Secretariado Gitano. (2010). Evaluación de la Normalización educativa de Las alumnas y Los alumnos gitanos en Educación Primaria. (Empirical Research) [E] O

Fundacion Secretariado Gitano. (2013). El alumnado gitano en Secundaria. Un estudio comparado. (Empirical Research) [E] O

Fundación Secretariado Gitano. (2013). Roma students in secondary education in Spain. A comparative study. (Empirical Research) [E] O

Vargas, J., & Gómez, J. (2003) Why Roma do not like mainstream schools: Voices of a people without territory. (2003). Harvard Educational Review, 74(4), 559–590. (Discussion) [EU] R

FAKALI (Federación de Asociaciones de Mujeres Gitanas)

Tertiary and Higher Education

Carmona Padilla, T., González Monteagudo, J., Soria Vílchez, A. (2017). Gitanos en la Universidad: Un estudio de caso de trayectorias de éxito en la Universidad de Sevilla. Revista de Educación, 377, 187–211. (Empiral Research) [E] O

Carmona Padilla, T., González Monteagudo, J., Soria Vílchez, A. (2017). Roma in Higher Education: A case study of successfull trajectories at the University of Seville. Revista de Educación, 377, 184–207. (Empirical Research) [E] O

Garaz, S. (2014). Helping the Marginalised or Supporting the Elite? Affirmative Action as a Tool for Increasing Access to Higher Education for Ethnic Roma. European Educational Research Journal, 13(3), 295–311. (Discussion) [H, BG, MK, CZ, AL, SK, SRB, MD, RO, TR] O

Greenfields, M. (2000). Knowledge Audit/Gypsies, Travellers and Education Key Facts Group Work Scenarios Discussion on Barriers and Solutions to engagement with education and training Headline Findings from Aim Higher funded research project (Gypsy/Travellers perceptions of health and social care careers). (Discussion) [GB] R

Kim, Y. M. (2001). Minorities in Higher Education. (Summary Report) [US] O

Maynooth University. (2017). Travellers in Higher Education. (Discussion) [US]

Mulcahy E., Baars S., Bowen-Viner K. and Menzies, L. (2017) The underrepresentation of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils in higher education A report on barriers from early years to secondary and beyond London, LKMco. (Discussion) [GB]

Roma Education Fund. (2009). Analysis of the impact of affirmative action for Roma in high schools, vocational schools and universities. (Empirical Research) [RO] O
