The Centre is holding a series of events titled ‘The Neoliberal and the Colonial’
Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 935 7989 2721
Wednesday March 3rd: The Neoliberal and the Colonial: Anthropocentrism and Environmental Catastrophe
Leonardo Figueroa Helland (The New School, New York): Title TBC
Thursday 18 March, 12.30-2pm: The Neoliberal and the Colonial: Disposability
Joint session with Sussex Critical Theory Cluster and Sussex Rights and Justice Research Centre
Louiza Odysseos (Sussex) - Extractive Modes of World-Disclosure and Historical Fungibility: Towards a Critique of Neoliberal Disposability
Thursday 25th March: The Neoliberal and the Colonial: Development and Neoliberalism
Heba Taha (Leiden) – Development, liberalism, and colonialism in Israel/Palestine, 1948-1966
Thursday 22nd April: The Neoliberal and the Colonial: Neoliberal Framings and Political Change
Sophie Chamas (SOAS) - Researching Activism in ‘Dead Time’: Neoliberalism and the Postcolonial Political Imagination
Toufic Haddad (CBRL, Jerusalem) - Palestine Ltd: Neoliberal Peacebuilding and Statebuilding in the Occupied Palestinian Territories 1993 - the present