Studying abroad with the Business School

Employers value graduates who have negotiated their way in the world, experienced different cultures and developed an international perspective.

Petronas Towers lit up at night in Malaysia

On our courses you can choose a range of study abroad options, with full support from the Business School and the Sussex Study Abroad team. This means you can fit an international experience around your studies, and still gain something unique and interesting for your CV. 

We are partnered with reputable business schools and other institutions across the world, giving you a wide choice of study abroad destinations.

On all Business School courses you can apply for a:

  • full year abroad before your final year
  • term abroad in your second year *
  • week-long study tours to Germany, France or Spain.

*Depending on the requirements of the relevant Professional Statutory Regulatory Body (PSRB) or other awarding authority, students may not be eligible to claim exemptions or receive specific non-University of Sussex accreditations if they choose to study outside the University (for example by taking a semester abroad) whilst working towards their degree. It is the student's responsibility to contact their departmental Study Abroad representative and discuss the possible impact of studying at other institutions before applying to do so.

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