Emeritus Research Fellow
Since 2001 he has been the leader of a major UK Research councils funded project, University - Industry Research Collaborations in the UK. He has also been the SPRU leader for the EU funded project, Sectoral Innovation Watch: Monitoring, Analysing Trends and Identifying Challenges. From May 2008 he has co-ordinated a FP7 project entitled The changing nature of Internationalization of Innovation in Europe: impact on firms and the implications for innovation policy in the EU.
Recent Research Projects
Currently working on a FP7 project which began in 2010: RAPPORT – Building RAPPORT between SMEs and public or private research capabilities.
Participated in in ERAWATCH project funded by IPTS: Analysis of co-operation patterns and knowledge flows in patent documents in the fields of wind energy, photovoltaic energy (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) (2010)
From March 2008 to May 2011 co-ordinated FP7 project GLOBINN - The changing nature of Internationalization of Innovation in Europe: impact on firms and implications for innovation policy in the EU.
From March 2008 to Dec2010 participated in PRO INNO Europe project: INNO-Metrics: Measuring Innovation Performance in Member States and in Industrial Sectors, funded by DG Enterprise.
Recent Journal Publications
Pablo D’Este and Parimal Patel (2007), ‘University–industry linkages in the UK: What are the factors underlying the variety of interactions with industry?’, Research Policy (2007) vol. 36 , pp. 1295-1313.
M Hopkins, S Mahdi, P Patel and S Thomas (2007) ‘DNA patenting: the end of an era?’, Nature Biotechnology vol. 25, pp. 185 - 187.
Paul Robertson and Parimal Patel (2007) ‘New Wine in Old Bottles: Technological Diffusion in Developed Economies’, Research Policy vol. 36 , pp. 708-721.
Christian LeBas and Parimal Patel (2005) ‘The determinants of patent citations: an empirical analysis of French and British patents in the US’, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, vol. 14, no. 5, pp 339-350
Christian LeBas and Parimal Patel (2005) “Does internationalisation of technology determine technological diversification in large firms? An Empirical study”, Revue D'Économie Industrielle, No.110, pp.157-174.