
Public and Alumni memberships

We offer a wide range of memberships and pay-and-play options.

Membership prices from 1 August 2024

Graduate (year) £175 - -
Alumni (year) £300
Alumni (three months)* £115 - -
Public (year) £365
Public (three months)* £125 - -

Graduate membership only available to students in their first year after graduation

Alumni includes graduates, external students, retired staff, businesses on campus and family members of current staff and students (proof of status will be required).

Memberships can either be paid in a one-off payment or by monthly instalments. If paying by part payment, each month must be paid regardless of use - see our terms and conditions for more details.

*3 month memberships are equal to 92 days or 13 weeks.

Public refers to all community users not currently connected to the University.

Which option is best for me?

Our Gold, Silver and Bronze memberships offer great value for money. Have a look at our membership types to find out which one is best for you.

Membership package includes:GoldSilverBronze
Unlimited fitness room use (peak)   ×


Unlimited fitness room use (off-peak) Pay-per-visit
Unlimited group fitness classes*     Pay-per-visit
Advance booking rights (inc. online) 2 weeks  10 days 1 week 
Fitness room induction (on request)    
Racket sports court hire (peak) ×  Pay-per-visit
Racket sports court hire (off-peak)     Pay-per-visit

* Number of classes booked at any one time are limited to 10 for Gold members, 7 for Silver members and 5 for Bronze members.

Please read our membership terms and conditions for full details of our offer and download and view our HCS Staffed [PDF 215.28KB] 

Buy your membership now

Buy your membership via our booking system or in person at reception at the Sport Centre or Falmer Sports Complex.

For more information, call reception on 01273 678228, or email

Public and Alumni Pre-payment options


Public Gold Annual £365 or £31 a month standing order

Public Silver Annual £285 or £24 a month standing order


Alumni Gold Annual £285 or £25 a month standing order 

Alumni Silver Annual £230 or £20 a month standing order 

Non-members and Bronze members

You can access our facilities and classes as a non-member, or at a reduced rate with an alumni or public Bronze membership.

Download our price list for pay-and-play prices [PDF 48KB]. All non-members are entitled to five days advance booking rights.

Peak times at our fitness rooms and facilities

Hall, badminton, table tennis, tennis and squash bookings

Peak - Monday to Friday 4pm-10pm (3.50pm will be the start of peak squash)

ATP bookings

Peak - Monday to Friday 4pm-10pm. All weekend

Fitness room usage

Peak - Monday to Friday 2.30pm-10pm. Weekends 2.30pm-6pm

All other times are off-peak.