Ar'ti'fi'cial (adj) imitation; simulation

The concept of my series is simulacrum and artificial replication. I photographed mannequins, plastic dolls and artificial flora: eventually making the decision to photograph the mannequins alone.

The series explores the theme of representation and image, and considers the unrealistic expectations they create in society. I was particularly interested in photographing mannequins because they are idealised representations of the female form.

The project was inspired by Baudrillard's Simulacrum and Simulation (1981): the notion that reality is replaced by images and idealized representations. I was also inspired by Freud's concept of The Uncanny (1925) and I intended to accentuate the eerie and uncanny affects of the mannequins, using certain lighting conditions and compositional techniques. I was influenced by other artists and photographers, including Hans Bellmer: whose art featured life-size dolls; and Cindy Sherman: who photographed medical dummies.