You Want US!

Media Practice and Theory: Degree Show 2007

Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to the Univeristy of Sussex Media Practice and Theory Degree Show for 2007! To find out more about the show please use the links on the left, or to navigate directly to your favourite student's page just choose their name from the list. The show is due to open at the Gardner Arts Centre, Falmer on the 17th of May and runs until the 22nd of May 2007. To find out more about the University of Sussex and the Media Practice and Theory course please click here.

The Exhibition: Upon entering our exhibition you can navigate around the professionally produced photography within the gallery space. A variety of themes have been beautifully explored including; anxiety, illness, portraiture and landscape. Parallel to the photography gallery there is an exclusive viewing room. The technically advanced film dramas delve into the deep emotions of human beings. Our documentaries discover the hidden lives of Brighton based subjects and the impressive animation interprets the rivalry between cats and dogs. The You Want Us exhibition will present a fantastic portfolio of final year work form the Media Practice and Theory students 2007.



Opening Night Reception

Gardner Arts Centre, Falmer (Click here for directions)

Thursday 17th May from 16:00

Late Drinks from 17:30

Film Screening 19:00

The show will open with a bang on Thursday 17th May; this will be your first opportunity to see the culmination of three years hard work from the Media Practice and Theory finalists. There will be a drinks reception to kick start the evening, with a chance to view the fantastic photography projects on display in the main gallery space along with animation design in the adjacent room. Following this, a screening of the film dramas and documentaries produced by the students will take place at 7pm in the auditorium. This will be the first chance to see the 2007 MPT films, and the only opportunity to view them on the big screen during this show. This night promises to be an extraordinary showcase of talent from one of the most innovative courses on offer at the University of Sussex, definitely not one to be missed!



Come to the show and see...

Look Before You Leap: The Urban Art of Parkour (Documentary)

By: Emily Winter, James Wells and Mark Tourle

Parkour has been in the media a lot recently, from the roof top chase in Casino Royale to a BBC advert. But what is Parkour? Is it just another urban sport that gives yobs an excuse to run amuck, or is there more to it?

Our film explores the discipline and ideologies behind Parkour. It juxtaposes the stylistic flair of the Parkour ‘run’ with the dedication that goes into training. Through interviews with experienced Parkour runners and those just beginning, our film peels away the flamboyant veneer, which has covered Parkour for so long.

We have been influenced by documentaries like Jump Britain, Generation Yamakasi, Dig, and Tarnation for their visual and poetic style. The film will appeal aesthetically and stylistically to viewers, with the informative aspect aimed at those with a negative opinion of the discipline, to help them achieve a better understanding of Parkour and its underlying philosophies.




Emily Winter Director
James Wells Camera
Mark Tourle Sound