School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Postdoctoral Researchers

Key information for Postdoctoral Researchers in MPS.

Funding from IOP for Physicists to attend international events

The University requires travel to be booked via Key Travel where possible. Contact them by emailing or calling 0845 1220102 with the details of your trip to request a quote.Sometimes it can be more cost effective to book directly through an airline or hotel. In this case, you must first request a quote from Key Travel to confirm that this is the case. 

You must apply for travel insurance and complete a Risk Assesment form for every trip which takes you away from the university overnight. Ask at the school office if you need help with this. Who signs what - a breakdown of who you should get to sign your documents

  • The University uses an online finance tool called Unit 4, and you will use this for claiming expenses and making purchases via approved suppliers. Information on How To Use Unit 4 Finance System
  • Purcases should be made via the Finance System, however if the supplier is a one-off, low value, not on the Finance System, and you cannot find the item anywhere else (often the case in experimental fields) you can access the MPS Credit Card via Gemma Harman or Cassandra Churchwell.

Appraisals in MPS

  • The Director of Research Knowledge Exchange for the School is Dr Andrea Banfi.  Please feel free to contact Andrea with any concerns you may have regarding your work as a researcher.
  • Local administrative support is provided by the Research Support Team - Sinead Rance, Emma Ransley and Cara Gathern.
  • For general enquiries, please contact
  • The facilities of the Sussex Research Hive are available for all researchers.                                                                                                                
  • The central resource for research faculty is the Research Staff Office.