School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

MPS Tutors

How to become a Tutor

Becoming a Tutor can be very rewarding and give you new skills and experience for your future career. In the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, many of our PhD students have joined our pool of tutors and have worked in labs and practicals, workshops, and by offering support to undergraduate students as part of a helpdesk.

Doctoral Tutors are current PhD students. School Tutors are non-PhD tutors who are experienced in teaching and have subject expertise.

Doctoral Tutor Terms and Conditions

School Tutor Terms and Conditions


The School runs a training course called Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning each Autumn. The course is specifically designed to support tutoring in the disciplines of Mathematics and Physics and is a bespoke version of the university wide fundamentals course - Fundamentals of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

New research students are automatically invited to the first introductory session.

To become a Tutor in the School, you will be required to complete this course, or provide evidence of existing qualifications related to teaching.


Tutoring vacancies

All registered tutors are invited to look at the opportunities for tutoring in each department using the forms below.

You will be asked to complete a list of preferences for the modules that will run each term, well in advance of the term starting.

Your choices are matched by the lead academic in the Department, and offers of work are then emailed to you. You must respond and confirm if you want to go ahead.

Details of pay rates are also included in the email, and the relevant term dates. If you commit to becoming a tutor you must be available for the duration of the teaching term.

Each tutor will receive a contract of work and you must be able to provide evidence of your Right to Work in the UK.

To view the opportunities choice form for Physics and Astronomy

To view the opportunities for Mathematics


Further information

If you have any queries about your pay, hours etc, please contact the School Administrator in the first instance.

The module convenor has overall responsibility for your work and will be in regular contact to ensure that things are going well.

If you have any problems and cannot talk to the module convenor, you can talk to the lead academic for Tutors in your department.

Marked work can be collected from the School Office (09:00-17:00 Mon-Fri). Please allow at least one hour after the deadline to collect.

You can view your payslips at


Key contacts in the School

Mathematics designated faculty - Dr Gabriel Koch


Physics and Astronomy designated faculty - Professor Barry Garraway


Fundamentals course convener - Professor David Seery


Assistant Operations Managers - Mr Luke Murphy & Ms Sophie Corton


Senior Course Co-ordinator - Mr Lewis Johnson


Mathematics Office 


Physics and Astronomy Office 



Teaching Recognition Certificate

MPS is pleased to announce the launch of our new Teaching Recognition scheme, designed to formally evidence the teaching experience you gain in your time at MPS. The resulting transcripts and certificates are validated by Head of School’s signature and can be used to support job applications in the future.

The scheme is voluntary and intended to add value to your experience in MPS.

To take part in this scheme Doctoral Researchers and Research Staff Members must keep a record of teaching type work undertaken each semester on the “teaching record self-assessment” template and ensure it is signed off by the appropriate staff member(s). At the end of your degree / contract this information should be transferred onto the certificate and brought to the school office, along with the evidence, for validation. Please see below for step by step guidance.

Certificate of Teaching Recognition Guidance [DOCX 15.20KB]

MPS Teaching Recognition Certificate [DOCX 33.69KB]

MPS Teaching Record Self Assessment [DOCX 19.08KB]



No longer wish to be an Associate Tutor?:

Please email the School Administrator to tender your resignation. Please note you would normally be required to complete the term's teaching that you have already signed up for, unless your circumstances are dramatically altered.