School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Your Research Training Support Grant

RTSG - Research Training Support Grant

For students holding an award issued via the School of MPS

If you hold a Research Council studentship (EPSRC, STFC) or a School Postgraduate Studentship you will have an RTSG.  Your RTSG account is managed by your supervisor.  It is intended for additional training, conference travel, conference registration fees etc.  It can also be used to buy computing equipment such as a laptop. Please contact the Research Support Coordinator (Doctoral Researchers) on for more information.

For "self-funded" students

As of the academic year 2022/23, Self-funded students (students paying from personal or family resources or with a third-party sponsor) will be allocated a yearly RTSG in line with funded PGRs. This is managed by your supervisor. 


Please see the document in the link for further information on the MPS RTSG Policy. 
If you have any questions about the document or policy, please contact your supervisor or the MPS Research Support Team ( 

Using your RTSG for travel

Please see the Working Away section for how to arrange longterm attachments, fieldwork and placements.

The University requires travel to be booked via Key Travel where possible. Contact them by emailing or calling 0845 1220102 witht the details of your trip to request a quote. This quote can then be sent to who will arrange payment from your source of funding (normally your Research Training Support Grant (RTSG)). 

Sometimes it might be more cost effective to book directly through an airline or hotel. In this case, you must first request a quote from Key Travel to confirm that this is the case. 

Post-Brexit Travel (01 January 2021 and on).  Read this leaflet from Key Travel.

You must apply for Travel Insurance (via the admin tab on Sussex Direct) and complete a Risk Assesment form for every trip which takes you away from the university overnight. Ask at the school office if you need help with this. 

Buying computers and equipment

If you have a studentship at Sussex, check with your supervisor that you have sufficient funds to buy a computer from your Research Training Support Grant (RTSG).

Any computer purchased with School funds, or loaned to you, remains the property of the School and must be returned to the School office when you finish your studies.

To buy a laptop or desktop:

  • Select from a list of computers and accessories available through ITS. Buying through ITS ensures that your computer will be maintained by them through its working life, only in exceptional cases will equipment be purchased outside of this process.
  • You may be able to order using the above link and your RTSG subproject code.
  • Alternatively the research support team can assist you with this purchase if required. Email: