Department of Mathematics

Assessment information

Find out, if you're an undergraduate, how marks on courses are determined and how they contribute to your degree class as well as rules about assessment.


There are rules around which types of calculators may be used in unseen examinations.

Find out the rules for calculators on the Student Hub.


For information about the duration, number of questions set and number of questions that must be answered for all Maths unseen examinations, see the Mathematics Rubrics [PDF 12.52KB].

Final year projects

Here are details about the different kinds of final year projects.

BSc student projects

BSc students may elect to take a final year project which has a credit weighting of 15 credits. Information on the possible project areas and supervisers will be made available during the autumn term of your final year.

MMath projects

MMath students take the compulsory MMath final year project which has a credit weighting of 30 M level credits.

Available projects

See a list of example projects.

Course directory 

See the Course Directory for more information on courses.