LPS Student Reps
The Student Rep scheme, co-run by the University of Sussex and the University of Sussex Students' Union, provides an essential link between students, the Union and the University.
Student Reps are undergraduate and postgraduate students elected by Sussex students to represent the views and interests of students in their subject, department or school year.
Reps find out about issues impacting on students' studies and experience, and take this information informally to individual members of staff in the department, and can raise issues more formally at department, school and university level committees, in order to effect positive changes.
General information about the Student Rep scheme can be found on the Students' Union website.
Undergraduate Student Reps
- Law
Year 1
Contact email: Year1LawRep@sussex.ac.uk
Isla Calder
Henry Collins
Olivia Grant
Deqo Ismail
Natasha Stevens
Year 2
Contact email: Year2LawRep@sussex.ac.uk
Abieyuwa Aigbedion
Andreea Beltrami Berbece
Ella Dye
Seli Edstrnad
Valentina El Kadi
Mihaela Golban
Flora Kalogeraki
Laura Kaprielian
Gurleen Kaur
Holly Shepherd
Year 3
Contact email: Year3LawRep@sussex.ac.uk
Bee Aumeer
Kelci Bookbinder
Lily Clark
Lara Duzgun
Keira Hammond
Maclain Sinton
Rachel Talabi
- Law Graduate Entry
Year 1
Contact email:
Scott Bateman
Amelia Gordanier
Year 2
Contact email: GEYear2LawRep@sussex.ac.uk
Rachel Hetherington
Ashley Ward
- Politics
Year 1
Contact email:
Daniel Agnew
Tyra-Leoni Fuller
Ella Hollingsworth
Kalani Neild Le Conte
Lucy Oliver
Lorenzo Roque Dal Fabbro
Year 2
Contact email:
Ben Cox
Year 3
Contact email:
Emilia Wormwell
- Sociology & Criminology
Sociology Year 1
Trey Smith email: ams68@sussex.ac.uk
Felix Stovold email: fs432@sussex.ac.uk
Criminology and Sociology Year 1
Eve Gallant email: eg522@sussex.ac.uk
Sociology and International development Year 2
Nijmeh Sahar Zaman email: nz94@sussex.ac.uk
Postgraduate Student Reps
- Law
- Politics
- Sociology
- Criminology
- Gender Studies PGT
Tuqa Al-Hamadani email: ta491@sussex.ac.uk
Contact email: