School of Law, Politics and Sociology


 This page is kept up-to-date, but you will find much more information, new how-to guides, and useful links on our newly-developed Canvas page:

NEW - Faculty of Social Sciences Research Canvas site

Please contact if you have any issue accessing the Canvas site, or any links below.

Quick links

How to...

Contact the right people

Find research funding

Apply for research funding

Find out more about Research Centres and Groups

Develop Impact and Knowledge Exchange

Spend your grant (procurement and recruitment)

Organise research events (book launches, conferences, etc.)

Explore EDI and wellbeing support

Invite Visiting Research Fellows


How to find Research Funding

External funding - find and apply

Applications for external research funding are supported by the Research Development team in Research & Innovation Services (RSI). Each faculty has dedicated Research Development Managers who support proposals and are in charge of making sure that applications adhere to funder and institutional regulations. Find your contacts here

Current opportunities

Internal funding - find and apply

These are usually modest pots of money available through university departments, or research programmes, which are designed to 'kick-start' a research project and provide a strong foundation for an application to an external funder. Pilot projects might include organising a networking event, building new partnerships, completing a literature review, or conducting a surveys/interviews. Schools may also have a small budget to help cover costs for some activities related to research. See below for details of each school. Speak to your Assistant Research Manager for further information.

Current opportunities

Impact/knowledge exchange funding - find and apply

Funds available to help you conduct any activity which might enhance the impact of your research, particularly through knowledge exchange activity. Impact is defined as ‘an effect on, change or benefit to the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life, beyond academia’. So impact funds might be used to develop projects or events that include and benefit people outside of academia. The Impact Coordinators can advise you about these funds. 

Current opportunities

How to apply for Research Funding

1. Speak to us!

If you have an idea for a research project, however small, speak to either the Assistant Research Manager (ARM) or Research Development Manager (RDM).

We will advise you on a suitable funding option. This might be to pursue external research funding through a grant or a fellowship, or it might be that you need some internal funding to boost a pilot project. You can learn about the different types of funding here.

2. External funding

  • You will work with the RDM to find and apply for a suitable scheme. The RDM can advise, but you may also wish to look at current funding opportunities yourself. You can read more about the different funders available here: how to find external research funding.

  • You must allow at least 8 weeks before the closing date of the funding call. For larger and more complex calls, involving international partners, and multiple collaborators, this needs to be at least 12 weeks before the deadline. 

  • Once you have decided on a scheme, you will need to create your project on Worktribe. If you are new to Worktribe, you will need to complete the mandatory training in LearnuponLinks to an external site.. You will be given access the Monday after. As a reminder, there is a Worktribe User Guide for Academics with screenshots to help you navigate the system. If you need any further help, you can always contact your ARM or RDM. A checklist on how to create a project is under 'Help Topic' in Worktribe (shortcut hereLinks to an external site.).

  • Once you have created the project and completed as much of the risk assessment as possible, you must contact your RDM and copy in Assistant Research Manager and DRaKE/DRI who will advise on next steps including peer review.

  • All projects led by Sussex must have a peer review. See the peer review page for more information about this process.

  • The RDM will work with you on application. The ARM will help you meet any school deadlines. Some calls require a statement of support from the Head of School. ARM can assist with this process.

  • If you are awarded funding, the Research Development Office and ARM will support you with how to spend your grant money, including all aspects of procurement and recruitment.

3. Internal funding

If you decide that internal funding is more suitable for your project, the ARM can guide you through the options available. These schemes are run through university departments or research programmes, such as Research Initiatives, SSRP or the SHL, and do not require a proforma or support from the RDM. 

Your project might be better-suited to impact funding. The ARM and Impact Coordinators will advise you on this.

Internal funds usually need to be incurred during the current financial year, which ends at the end of July, so please be aware of this if you are looking for funding around the summer.


LPS Knowledge Exchange Fund (HEIF)

LPS Knowledge Exchange Fund,

The LPS Knowledge Exchange Fund is financed by the School’s Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) allocation, and supports a range of activities involving non-academic partners.

Knowledge exchange (KE) is about sharing and transferring knowledge beyond the research community with local communities, businesses, government officials, NGOs or members of the public (and this is not intended to be an exhaustive list). While knowledge exchange may produce impact, it also serves a broader purpose in connecting research and researchers with people outside academic circles.

Activities that may be eligible for funding include:

·       Organising or participating in events that have knowledge exchange or impact objectives

·       Producing and disseminating policy briefings

·       Developing stakeholder or practitioner networks

·       Creating and promoting podcasts

·       Developing consultancy activities

Applications may be for one-off costs or larger projects, including pilot projects as the basis for larger projects.

The maximum amount is £2000, though many applications have been for less than this. Applications can be submitted by individuals or in partnership. All research-active members of staff are eligible and we encourage anyone who may be working on a REF Impact Case Study to consider applying.

Applications should be no more than 2 pages in length and may be considerably less depending on the scale of the activity.

Please include the following information: 

·       Description of the activity, including proposed start and end date

·       Explanation of its objectives

·       Justification of how the activity will advance knowledge exchange or impact and the intended benefits

·       A budget 

Please email your draft application to Moira Dustin and Emily Robinson, the LPS Knowledge Exchange and impact Coordinators, or email them if you would like to discuss an application.

We aim to respond to applicants within a fortnight of application.

Please note that all awards have to be spent by 30 June 2025, and unspent money cannot be rolled over.


We will ask for a short report on the funded activities for our annual HEIF report. 

Research Centres and Groups

Explore Research Centres and Groups

Centre for Gender Studies (CGS) Gender is a key theme for Sussex research and many of our faculty are expert leaders in this field. We research and teach on gender issues in a variety of schools and departments which leads to fresh and innovative debates and to a diverse approach to teaching and learning. We also have a strong policy, community, and media presence via several high-profile research projects.

Gill Love

Liz McDonnell

Tanya Palmer

Dara Ruane

The Centre for the Study of Corruption (CSC) The Centre for the Study of Corruption (CSC) is an internationally renowned centre of excellence for research and teaching on corruption, widely recognised for combining cutting-edge academic approaches and research with practical experience of how corruption can be addressed in the real world.

Liz David-Barrett

Crime Research Centre (CRC) The Crime Research Centre brings people together from a variety of disciplines, focused on research into ‘crime’ broadly conceived. This includes experts from law, sociology, criminology, politics, psychology, international development, and beyond. The Centre provides a forum for researchers to share ideas and develop collaborations, as well as a platform for influencing external debate and reform.

Paul McGuinness

Nicholas Sinclair-House 

Sussex Centre for Human Rights Research (SCHRR)

Our work has a global as well as national focus and our members engage with policy and practice as well as theory, adopting a range of legal, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary approaches to human rights research.

In addition to offering a programme of events focusing on research and knowledge exchange, the LLM in International Human Rights Law is linked to the Centre, we host the sector-leading Human Rights Law Clinic, and a vibrant community of doctoral researchers.

Stephanie Berry

Matthew Evans

Aisling O'Sullivan

Sussex European Institute (SEI)

Founded in 1992, the Sussex European Institute (SEI) is an interdisciplinary research hub that brings together scholars and experts whose work engages with Europe’s political institutions, political economy, and its historical legacies.

Aleksandra Lewicki

Cristiano Bee

Sussex Centre for Law and Technology (SCLT)

Explores Law and aspects of technology, such a digital infrastructures and AI.

Phoebe Li
Groups, networks and projects




Visiting Research Fellows, Professors and Senior Research Fellows
Our fellowships are open to all scholars who are educated to doctoral level and wish to spend research time in the School or establish stronger research links with its members. Our Fellowships are open to both national and overseas applicants. There is no deadline for applications. 

About Visiting Research Fellows

This is designed for individuals who will spend time at Sussex and will contribute to a piece of work during their time in the School.Fellowships can run for any length of time from two weeks to 12 months.They are non-renewable, however sponsors may make a case to the HoS should they wish to renew.They are subject to a bench fee of £200 regardless of length of visit.To request a Visiting Research Fellow appointment, applicants should confer first with the faculty member (who will act as sponsor) they are interested in working with, or the Head of the Department, or the relevant Research Centre director(s).Decisions on appointment of Visiting Research Fellows rest with the Director of Internationalisation, Head of Department, and the Head of School. All decisions will be based on the following criteria:
  • The anticipated contribution the applicant will make to the School's academic life
  • The quality of the proposed project or activity
  • The fit between the applicant's interests, and those of the proposer and host centre or Department
  • The appropriateness of the proposed outputs


Apply for the VRF Scheme

To apply, please email to obtain the formal application form. Applicants will need to attach the following with the application form and return directly to :
  • A covering letter with a brief description of the research activities they wish to undertake during the visit
  • Current CV
  • Dated letter or email of academic or professional reference
VRFs will be added to the internal VRF email distribution group and CANVAS page*.VRFs will receive an IT account*.VRFs are not allocated an office, however they can use the workspace between the School Office and G74A. The sponsor may offer use of their office if available.*Not applicable to visits of under 1 month.The sponsor will be required to complete a Sponsor Report Form once the VRF has completed their visit. This can be obtained from 


Visiting Professors and Senior Research Fellows

Honorary Professors and Honorary Senior Research Fellows

The School also welcomes applications from Visiting Professors and Senior Research Fellows. These applications are reviewed directly by the Head of School. Please contact for the requisite application form.

These titles are designed for individuals who wish to be affiliated with a department, but may not necessarily visit Sussex. The appointment should be mutually beneficial based on disciplinary field and wider contributions to the community of a relevant field of scholarship for the hosting department. There must also be a specific link with one or more individuals in the department in terms of area of research or scholarship.

Appointments are for a period of three years and can be extended (subject to HoS approval).

If the appointment is approved, the research support team will issue an offer letter and take care of completing an ID check and arranging an IT account.

There is no bench fee charge for visiting/honorary Professors or Senior Research Fellows.VPs/SRFs will be added to the internal VRF email distribution group and CANVAS page.

VPs/SRFs are not allocated an office, however they can use the workspace between the School Office and G74A. The sponsor may offer use of their office if available.

Ethical Approval of Research

This document is intended as a brief guide to Research Ethics Review for staff in the Social Sciences Cluster. It complements full, university-wide guidelines available at Research Governance

Ethical Guidelines and Research Governance

1. Introduction 
The University of Sussex is committed to promoting and upholding the highest quality academic and ethical standards in all its activities. A university-wide research governance committee framework[CC1]  ensures that ethical review procedures take into account:

  • best practice with regard to ethical considerations in research
  • meeting all legislative, regulatory, and funder requirements
  • safeguarding the reputation of the University

Ethical governance of research undertaken in the School of Law, Politics and Sociology is overseen by Social Sciences & Arts Cross-Schools Research Ethics Committee  (C-REC), which will be superseded by the Faculty of Social Sciences REC (F-REC) in 2025. Direct responsibility for ethical review of research lies in part with the REC, and in part with the School, as outlined below. Ethical review within Schools and committees is overseen by the Research Ethics and Integrity Sub-Committee which is responsible for broader policy decisions relating to research governance and ethics.

2. Ethical review procedures
Research that does not involve humans or personal information about them, or animals, and presents no other risk, does not require ethical review. Please use the Research Governance and Integrity checklist to determine whether your project requires ethical review:

Do I need ethics approval for my research? : Research Governance and Integrity : Research : Staff : University of Sussex

Step-by-step guidance on how to apply for ethical approval is available here:

How to apply for research ethics review : Research Governance and Integrity : Research : Staff : University of Sussex.

To access the ethical review application form, please go to your Sussex Direct page and click on the ‘Research’ tab, where you will find a link to ‘Ethical Reviews’. You will need to start a new application form by clicking on ‘New’.

Students applying for ethics clearance need first to submit the online form to their supervisor for approval, before submitting it to the School Research Ethics Officer (low risk) or F-REC committee (high risk) for review. Please monitor the progress of your online application form, and remember to submit it at both of these stages.

Low risk projects
Ethical review of low risk projects is carried out at two levels:

Undergraduate (UG) and Postgraduate Taught (PGT) student projects are reviewed at School level, and reviewed by the School Research Ethics Officer (SREO), in consultation with course convenors and supervisors.

Staff and Postgraduate Research (PGR) student projects are reviewed by the social sciences C-REC (submit application forms by email to: )

High risk projects
All Staff and student (UG, PGT, PGR) higher risk projects are reviewed by the social sciences C-REC.

There is a separate, specialised committee that considers any research involving non-human animal subjects.

External approvals:

Researchers who wish to conduct research involving any of the following areas require project review by the University Sponsorship Committee and external regulatory approval:

  • NHS patients, service users or staff as participants
  • Studies involving some types of social care research or adults who lack capacity to consent
  • Research involving members of the armed forces
  • Research involving access to prisoners or prison and probation staff (HMPPS)

Please contact for advice about these types of research.

3. People and roles

4. Further information and resources
Full information about the support available to researchers throughout the life cycle of a research project is available on the University Research and knowledge exchange website. These include guidance on intellectual property, external consultancy, and codes of practice.[CC2] 

University policies relating to Research Governance are to be found on the University Research Ethics and Standards page.

5. Other sources of guidance on research ethics: 

Bacon, J. & Olsen, K. (2003) Doing the Right Thing: Outlining the Department for Work and Pensions'  Approach to Ethical and Legal Issues in Social Research. 

British Educational Research Association (2004) Revised Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research. Southwell: BERA 

British Sociological Association (BSA)

University and Colleges Employers Association (2011) Health and Safety in Fieldwork.

Department of Health (2005) Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care.

Research Staff (Induction information)

Research Staff

Getting started 

  • Induction - you will be given a local induction session to the School which will include general health and safety, and practical matters.


  • Your department will have a seminar series, usually led by the research group

Travel and attending conferences and events

  • Reclaim costs via Unit4

Finance related 

  • For purchases and use of the school credit card, please contact the School Office.


For Line Managers of Research Staff  

Research Staff Reps 

  • You can contact other Research Fellows using the mailing lists. All Research Fellows are added to the lists.

Human Resources 

Useful Contacts 

Manage Data, Publications and Elements


Elements is the Current Research Information System (CRIS) used at the University. It is supported by the Library.

Elements supports the management of research activities by providing one single point of organisation, presentation and reporting for all scholarly and research activities, including research outputs. It also hosts the University staff profile pages.

You can log in to Elements at any time to update publication information, add grant information, record impact, note teaching activities and curate your online profile. Not only does this keep your public profile current and relevant, it also supports the REF submission through building a picture of the People, Culture and Environment in each UoA, as well as being the crucial tool in our submission to Contribution to Knowledge and Understanding.

Elements (Library)


A systematic and rigorous approach to research data management is fundamental to good research practice. Refer to the relevant University policies and guidance below. See the library webpages on data management for more information, including data management policies and further information about Figshare and Sussex Research Data Repository.They can be contacted on

See also the Division of General Counsel, Governance and Compliance (GCGC) Information Management Team pages for more general information about Records Management.

They can be contacted on



About REF

Central Support -

The Research Quality and Impact Team coordinates REF preparations. They help researchers achieve real impact in the wider world through capacity and skills building and by planning for and supporting impact from ongoing research and through building external partnerships. It helps researchers produce high quality research outputs and provides support on research strategy and policies. Research impact queries 

School Support

Each school has its own Unit of Assessment (UoA leads). LPS's are:

Unit of Assessment (UoA) Leads


Lead: Jo Bridgeman 

Law: Mark Walters 

Politics: Paul Taggart 

Sociology: Lizzie Seal 

UoA leads work closely with RQI and lead on the REF2029 submission, including research outputs, impact and engagement, and research culture for their Unit of Assessment.


Research and Scholarship Fund

Important - DO NOT incur any unauthorised expenses that would normally be covered by the research and scholarship fund – these will not be met for now. This is effective from 26 June 2024.

This fund is temporarily frozen for the autumn term 2024.

Don't forget you can apply for funding to support the following research/scholarship activities but you should apply at least 4 weeks in advance. Funding requests can be up to a maximum of £1000 per person per year. Please be aware that not all requests can be met, so please ensure you make clear how this funding will be used to best effect to support your research/scholarship activities:

  • Conference attendance
  • Methodological training
  • Data generation/fieldwork costs
  • Network-related travel
  • Impact activities


Research and Scholarship Fund Expenditure Approval Form 2024/25 (Conference)

Research and Scholarship Fund Expenditure Approval Form 2024/25 (Research Expenses) 


Research and Scholarship Fund Expenditure Approval Form 2024/25 (Conference)

Research and Scholarship Fund Expenditure Approval Form 2024/25 (Research Expenses) 

Sociology and Criminology

Research and Scholarship Fund Expenditure Approval Form 2024/25 (Conference)

Research and Scholarship Fund Expenditure Approval Form 2024/25 (Research Expenses) 

LPS Devolved Expenses form

LPS Devolved Expenses form


LPS Research Team

Director of Research and Innovation (DRI) Aleksandra Lewicki Provides oversight of all research-related activity in the school and is responsible for the strategic direction of Research in LPS. DRaKE also supports individuals' or groups' funding applications.

Director of Postgraduate Research (DPGR) Nuno Ferreira

Provides oversight of all PGR-related activity and is responsible for the strategic direction of postgraduate research in LPS.
Research Development Manager Bente Bjornholt Project manages all external research funding applications and offers expert advice on external funding options available. Based centrally in the Research Development Office, but is the main point of contact for LPS and regularly works in the Freeman Building.
Departmental Research Leads

Law: Mark Walters

Politics: Paul Taggart

Sociology: Lizzie Seal

Provide oversight of research activity within each department. Research Leads conduct Personal Research Plans (PRPs) with all Researchers.

Departmental Impact Leads

Law: Mark Walters

Politics: Elizabeth David-Barrett

Sociology: Suraj Lakhani

Provide oversight of impact activity within each department.

Impact and Knowledge Exchange Leads

Moira Dustin

Emily Robinson

Provide expertise and guidance on developing impact and knowledge exchange iniatives. For more information, see Developing Impact and Knowledge Exchange.

Unit of Assessment (UoA) Leads


Lead: Jo Bridgeman 

Law: Mark Walters 

Politics: Paul Taggart 

Sociology: Lizzie Seal 

UoA leads work closely with RQI and lead on the REF2029 submission, including research outputs, impact and engagement, and research culture for their Unit of Assessment.

Assistant Research Manager (ARM) Helen Young Manages research- and PGR-related activity in LPS. Offers general advice on how to access school and university support, options for internal or external research funding, and administrative support for applications, competitions and events.
Senior Research Coordinators (PGR and Research)

PGR: Lindsey Allen-Cavell

Research: Mike Davy

Lindsey supports PGR activity and Mike supports Research activity in LPS.


Research -

Research Coordinator (Admissions)

Adriana Davies

Adriana supports Lindsey with admissions.

The Faculty of Social Sciences Research Team

Gurminder Bhambra Associate Dean for Research Faculty of Social Sciences
Steve Colburn Senior Research Manager Faculty of Social Sciences 
  Assistant Research Managers    
Helen Young Assistant Research Manager LPS 
Hazel Crawford Assistant Research Manager ESW 
Carol Anderson Assistant Research Manager Global 
  Senior Research Coordinators    
Lindsey Allen-Cavell Senior Research Coordinator LPS - PGR 
Mike J Davy Senior Research Coordinator LPS - Research/Research Centres
Eve Wilcox Senior Research Centre Coordinator ESW - Research Centres 
Amy Collyer Senior Research Coordinator Global - Research Centres 
Clare Brown Senior Research Coordinator

Global - PGR

PGR queries; or

GS admission enquiries:
Clare Ferguson Senior Research Officer ESW -  Centre for International Education (CIE)
Ola Teper Senior Consultancy Coordinator ESW - Consultancy (Social Change Hub)
  Research Coordinators    
Sharon Krummel Research Coordinator Global 
Adriana Davies Research Coordinator  ESW/LPS/Global 
Martin Galinsky-Johnson Research Coordinator ESW 


Central University Departments

Research Development Office (RDO)  The Research Development Office is responsible for advising on the preparation of all applications for research funding (including those funded or led by commercial organisations), ensuring that they meet the funders’ criteria and are properly costed and priced, for approving applications, and for checking, re-negotiating, and accepting awards. The team is also responsible for supporting the University’s consultancy engagement, including pricing, offers of service, and internal approvals. 
Sussex Researcher School (SRS) The Sussex Researcher School (SRS) is a distinctive development at Sussex which sits beside our Academic Schools. The SRS recognises that the 1,300 postgraduate researchers at Sussex are a fundamental part of the University's intellectual vitality and seeks to enable you to feel fully integrated as members of this wider research community. 
Research Initiatives The Research Initiatives Team coordinates the implementation of University-wide activities in support of the Research with Impact pillar of the Sussex 2025 Strategic Framework. The team manages institutional funding allocations; oversees demand management selection processes where external funders impose an institutional quota; coordinates the governance of Centres of Excellence; manages the Knowledge Exchange and Impact Support Programme; is responsible for the development of research culture activity; and supports the Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee.
Contracts and Intellectual Property Contracts and IP. The development of partnerships with external organisations can provide opportunities for expanding the boundaries of our research and maximising the impact of our work.  All our professional engagements with external organisations must be governed by an appropriate contract, whether it’s a collaboration, a consultancy or an initial discussion about a prospective research project involving the disclosure or receipt of confidential information.
Research Information, Quality and Impact (RIQI) The Research Information, Quality and Impact group is formed of two teams working together to provide support for individual Researchers, Departments, Schools or Divisions and the Institution as a whole in terms of developing, managing, probing and reporting on various forms of research information and impact.
Research Finance The Research Finance team coordinates, manages and provides support in all aspects of research grant management. We ensure compliance with internal financial regulations and the regulations of external research funders to help you as Principal Investigator to deliver high quality, timely results.
Helen Cutts
Research Governance and Integrity Research Governance and Integrity. The University of Sussex is committed to promoting and upholding the highest quality academic and ethical standards in all its activities.The University has developed research governance and ethics policies and procedures which recognise the importance of addressing ethical matters, while supporting the achievement of its collective research objectives.
Policy@Sussex  Policy@Sussex is dedicated to helping researchers connect with policymakers and influencers to support evidence-informed policymaking. We aim to put Sussex research at the centre of policy debates, providing innovative insights and helping to solve the grand issues of our time. The core Policy@Sussex team is supported by a network of Professional Services staff drawn from across the University’s Schools and central divisions.
Research Staff Office (RSO) 

The Research Staff Office offers a range of services to early career researchers (ECRs) from all disciplines., including professional development opportunities and support. At Sussex, ‘ECR’ is defined as staff on research-only contracts at grades 6-8, broadly encompassing research assistants, postdoctoral researchers and research fellows. 

Key contacts within the team are Katy Stoddard, Research Development Manager (Secretary) and Dr Erika Mancini, Director of Research staff Development and both can be contacted at
Research Culture 

Research Culture is a broad term that encompasses the behaviours, values, expectations, attitudes and norms of our research communities. Research Culture at Sussex is thriving, and our priority is to share and celebrate best practice and address gaps through institutional support and investment.

Key contact: Dr Lorna Hards, Senior Research Culture Consultant
Innovation and Business Partnerships (IBP) 

Our Business Partnerships Manager can work with you to develop knowledge-exchange based activities with external partners, including KTPs (Knowledge Transfer Partnerships).

Key contact: Anne-Fay Townsend
Social Change Hub - consultancy

The Sussex Social Change Hub is a collective of academic experts from the School of Education and Social Work. We’re dedicated to strengthening relationships with organisations, governments, schools and charities through consultancy, training and tailored services.