Research and knowledge exchange

School Grant Application Proformas


School Grant Application Proforma / Intention to Apply (ITA)
Sussex Researcher School (Doctoral) All School Large Scale Doctoral Training Application Pro Forma [DOCX 57.89KB]
Business School  N/A - ITA via Worktribe
Brighton and Sussex Medical School                                          BSMS Grant Application Proforma [DOCX 42.76KB]
School of Education and Social Work
N/A - ITA via Worktribe
School of Engineering and Informatics EngInf Grant Application Proforma [DOCX 101.68KB]
School of Global Studies Global Grant Application Proforma [DOCX 33.74KB]
School of Law, Politics and Sociology LPS Grant Application Proforma [DOCX 25.24KB]
School of Life Sciences N/A - ITA via Worktribe
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences               MPS Grant Application Proforma [DOCX 47.34KB]

School of Media, Arts and Humanities 

No 'Intention to Apply' form as Worktribe now in use for full research development process (view 'Application process for external funding' section on MAH’s Research Funding pages)

School of Psychology

Psychology Grant Application Proforma [DOCX 43.94KB]

Psychology Grant Application Proforma [Simplified] [DOCX 40.66KB]


 Please see process for set up on Worktribe