Synaesthesia publications from between 1910 and 1919:
Alford, L. B. (1918). A report of two cases of synesthesia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 13, 1-11.
Jordan, D. S. (1917). The colors of letters. Science, 46, 311-312.
Myers, C. (1915). Two cases of synesthesia. British Journal of Psychology, 7, 112-117.
Langfeld, H. S. (1914). Note on a case of chromesthesia. Psychological Bulletin, 11, 113-114.
Coriat, I. H. (1913a). A case of synaesthesia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 8, 38-43.
Coriat, I. H. (1913b). An unusual type of synaesthesia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 8, 109-112.
Myers, C. S. (1911). A case of synaesthesia. British Journal of Psychology, 4, 228-238.
Downey, J. E. (1911). A case of colored gustation. American Journal of Psychology, 22, 528-539.
Kilner, W. J. (1911). The Human Atmosphere; later reprinted as The Aura. York Beach, Maine: Samuel Weiser.
Pierce, A. H. (1912). Synaesthesia. Psychological Bulletin, 9, 179-181.
Pierce, A. H. (1911). Synaesthesia. Psychological Bulletin, 8, 157-158.
Ferrari, G. C. (1910). Un nuovo caso di sinestesia uditivo-gustativa. Rivista di Psicologia, 6, 101-104.