Frequently Asked Questions
Below are the answers to some of the common questions we get asked by potential JRAs along with links to further information, guidance and resources.
- Can my project be online, or in person?
It is possible for students to conduct a virtual JRA project conducted online, so if you'd like to undertake a JRA virtually then please note that this must be discussed with your potential supervisor and agreed before your application is submitted.
All training sessions will be held on a hybrid basis, however social events will be held in-person and on-campus in order to bring current JRAs together to socialise. - Who can apply to the JRA scheme?
The JRA scheme is open to undergraduate students interested in research from all Schools and subjects, including BSMS. It is open to both UK and international students at the University of Sussex.
Applicants must be in the middle year(s) of study on an undergraduate or integrated Masters course - first and final year students are not eligible.
If your degree includes a year abroad or industrial placement in the middle of your studies, it is for you to decide whether undertaking a JRA project before or after your time away would work best for you. - Can I undertake a JRA research project overseas?
Unfortunately a JRA project cannot include work overseas as it is an intensive, short-term project and therefore there is not enough time to make visa applications and travel arrangements.
- Can I share a JRA research project with another student?
No, a joint research project with other students is not possible as the JRA is about individual research, in order to give undergraduates a sense of postgraduate study or a career in research.
- Can I get support with writing the research proposal or application?
The research proposal is a collaboration between the student and the supervisor. In some disciplines the supervisor may write the proposal, for example where the project is lab-based, but you will need to write an additional section on the context and impact of the proposed research (this is explained in more detail on the application form).
For more help ask your School office or your potential supervisor and examples of previous JRA applications can be found here: - How do I apply for the JRA scheme?
A detailed breakdown of the JRA application process can be found on our main application page. We recommend that you take the time to read this fully and then email if you have any further questions.
- Can I come up with my own research project, or join an existing project?
You can propose your own research project or join an existing project that has been proposed by a potential supervisor, so please ask the relevant School Office about existing research topics or approach an academic directly.
- How do I find a supervisor? How do I identify an existing research project?
See our mani application page for advice on finding a supervisor and deciding on a research project, as well as our Guidelines for approaching a supervisor. We don't take into account whether your proposed supervisor had a JRA student last year, and they don't need to have previous JRA experience. There is a Supervisor information section on the website for JRA supervisors, which you could share with them if they have any queries.
Some School Offices may keep a list of research projects associated with specific academic staff who are open to supervising a JRA, so you could contact them as well as approaching individual academics directly. - What is a JRA mentor? How does a mentor differ from a supervisor?
A mentor is a Postgraduate Researcher who supports you during your JRA project. They will usually be based in the same School as your JRA supervisor, and may work in the same research area. They are not intended to replace your JRA supervisor, or to take on some of the supervisor's work in supporting you.
Typically JRAs find a supervisor first then work together to identify a mentor. A mentor is optional but can be beneficial in providing additional support during your JRA project and in introducing you to the doctoral community, enriching your JRA experience.
Karolina Szpyrko, a doctoral researcher who mentored a JRA in 2021, wrote about her experiences for the Research Hive blog.
- What sort of subject can I study as a JRA?
Over the last few years JRAs have undertaken research into an incredibly diverse array of topics. See our Previous projects for some examples by subject. Your proposed project can be focused in an area that is different to your current degree course, or be supervised by an academic in a different School.
Remember, however, that you will need to find an academic supervisor with an interest in, and knowledge of, your area of study. This often means that designing a project can be a little bit of a balancing act: you need to be original and true to your own interests, while also formulating an idea that will appeal to others.
- What are the selection criteria for the JRA scheme?
We are looking for students who are able to complete a research project successfully and with merit. JRA applications will be assessed on the following criteria:
- The applicant's preparedness for research;
- The quality and impact of the research proposal;
- The applicant's academic record, acknowledging any challenges they have had to overcome (as outlined in the optional Widening Participation Statement).
For more information, please see the Application Selection Criteria.
We want to see high-quality, original research which will have significant benefits for the student and for the department within which the research is undertaken.
After the deadline, all applications are independently assessed by members of University faculty in the proposed supervisor's School and the top applications for each school will be awarded a place on the JRA Scheme. - What is the Widening Participation Statement?
We want the JRA scheme to benefit all students who are enthusiastic about a future in research, and who will carry out a successful research project with merit. We particularly want to make it accessible to students who might not otherwise be exposed to research or consider a research career. Inclusivity is important to us.
If you are from an underrepresented student group or have faced barriers to a positive student experience, the new optional Widening Participation Statement on the application form is a space for you to detail any challenges you have overcome and provide additional information in support of your application.
This may include, but is not limited to, specific ethnic minority groups, students with a disability, mature students, care experienced students, estranged students and those with caring responsibilities (including student parents), forced migrant students, students from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, students from military service families, First Generation Scholars, LGBTQ+ students, and commuter students.
The Widening Participation Statement is entirely optional, but if you feel it applies to you then please fill it in. It will be considered by assessors when your application is reviewed.
- How many students become JRAs each year?
This is hard to answer, as it changes each year based on the amount of funding that we receive and the bursary amount provided, so there isn't a fixed number of awards.
Allocations of places will happen at School level and there is no restriction on the number of JRAs by department, also the size of your department has no bearing on the selection process. Contact your School Office regarding specific allocations this year. - How long does the scheme last?
Projects take place during the summer, for eight weeks, at any point between 1st June and 31st August. The dates of your project are to be decided between you and your supervisor. You must commit to eight weeks and it can't be condensed into a shorter period. You can however take a break midway through the eight weeks, for example if your supervisor takes annual leave or you choose to have a break/holiday.
Once your project has ended there are still extra duties that need to be fulfilled. You will be required to make an academic poster summarising your research project, and to attend an exhibition at which this poster will be displayed. The poster must be submitted by 1st September and the exhibition is usually held in October. - What is the JRA workload like?
JRA students are expected to work on their research full time for the entirety of their eight-week research project. We recognise that some JRAs will need to fit their research around a part-time job, but we expect you to treat the JRA as a full-time role.
- What support is available for developing the research skills I need to do the project?
The training programme is part of the JRA scheme, with weekly sessions that you are expected to attend, either in-person or online. These session cover everything from planning and structuring your JRA project, critical thinking, note taking, academic writing and producing an academic poster. Your supervisor is also there to support you and ensure you can conduct the research successfully - discuss with them while you're developing your proposal.
- What will be expected of me as a JRA?
The JRA scheme is an opportunity to experience the life of a full-time researcher, and you are expected to act as a full-time researcher would. We expect you to:
- attend all relevant training sessions and JRA events (you will be informed of these at the start of the scheme).
- work on your research full time, and make a time commitment equivalent to a normal University working week. While we recognise that some JRAs will have a part-time job, or other reponsibilities, around which they fit their research, we do expect you, while undertaking your research project, to treat it as a full-time role.
- act at all times in a responsible and professional manner.
Our Terms and Conditions will give you a clear idea of how the scheme works and what is expected of you.
- How much is the bursary, and when will I be paid?
Each JRA will receive a bursary of £3,500, paid in two installments, to allow them to work full-time on their research. As a JRA, you will receive your first payment in the first week of the scheme. The second payment will be processed in the fifth week, once your supervisor has completed a short report confirming that you are fulfilling your obligations and that your research project is progressing accordingly. Please note that attending the trainign sessions is also a condition of receiving yoru bursary.
Alongside the bursary, each JRA is granted a £200 expenses allowance. This money can be used to cover any costs directly supporting your research, so please see our webpage on claiming your expenses for more information. - Do I have to submit a poster, and why?
All JRAs are required to submit an A1 academic poster as a condition of the scheme, which will be stated in the contract that you and your supervisor sign when accepting the bursary. As many JRAs have never designed an academic poster before, there are speciffic training sessions on how to create a research poster, as well as guidance available on our webpages.
Academic posters are commonly used in the research community to communicate key findings in a quick and accessible way. By designing a poster, you will gain valuable experience of presenting your findings to a wider audience. All posters will be displayed at the Poster Exhibition in October, which will be attended by students, faculty, and staff. - What is the poster exhibition?
Every year there is a Poster Exhibition in the autumn term where JRAs display their academic posters. It is a chance to celebrate the completion of your project and to talk about your research to a wider audience. The exhibition is often a very busy event, attended by students, faculty and members of staff.
There is also a competition element to the exhibition, as all posters will be judged by faculty staff and the top posters will be shortlisted. The finalists will then present their poster and research to a panel and the winners announced on the day of the exhibition. Additionally, the first place and runner-up prize winners will be invited to represent the University of Sussex at Posters in Parliament - an event that brings together the best undergraduate research from across the country. - What happens if my research doesn't go to plan?
Your research might not turn out the way you had hoped or planned, but that does not necessarily mean your project is a failure. Rather, this is part of the process of doing research, and it is important that you recognise this and learn how to deal with it. Acknowledging the limitations of your design and critically reflecting on them is a crucial skill for a professional researcher; often your reflections on what did not work so well can form a very valuable part of your final reports and summaries.
That being said, we understand that other unforeseen problems may arise that might affect your ability to carry out your research. If something happens, don’t worry – there is a network of support at Sussex ready to help you. The SRS team, your JRA supervisor and the Student Centre all have experience of handling these matters and will do their best to help you in any way they can.
- What happens when my research is over?
Although this largely depends on the nature of your research project, as a JRA you are expected to seek out opportunities to further your research. The most common way of doing this is to continue your body of work into postgraduate study, but JRAs often undertake other activities designed to disseminate their findings. These could include joint publications, writing blogs or podcasts, and attending conferences and other University events.
Our aim is to encourage our JRAs to develop a body of ideas and interests which they can then develop throughout their future career. See our webpage on About the JRA scheme for more information.
If these FAQs haven't answered your question, please email with your query.