Book a place on our Masters Open Day – on campus, Saturday 15 March 2025
Register for a place on our campus Masters Open Day from 12.30pm-4.30pm to learn all about postgraduate study and life at Sussex.
Attend a Masters Open Day at Sussex
Whether you have a clearly defined career path in mind, or are still thinking about your options, a Masters could get you to where you want to be.
Doing a Masters level degree is a great way to build new skills, boost your career prospects, and dive deeper into a subject you love—or even try something completely new.
Come along to our Masters Open Day on Saturday 15 March from 12.30pm-4.30pm. It’s an in-person event, where you’ll get to meet our teaching and support staff, explore our beautiful Falmer campus and see why studying at Sussex could be your next step.
Can't visit us in person?
Take a look at our online events.
On the day
During the event you’ll be able to:
- attend talks covering all our Masters level courses
- discuss courses with our academic staff
- attend presentations on applying and funding
- explore and get to know our campus
- get advice on accommodation, student support, and career development
- meet current Masters students and find out what Postgraduate study is really like.
See the full list of courses that will be covered in the subject talks:
- Course finder
The following courses will be covered in our subject talks.
- 5G Mobile Communications and Intelligent Embedded Systems MSc
- Accounting and Finance MSc
- Advanced Artificial Intelligence MRes
- Advanced Computer Science MSc
- Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering (with an industrial placement year) MSc
- Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc
- Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc
- Animal Behaviour MRes
- Anthropology of Development and Social Transformation MA
- Applied Child Psychology MSc
- Applied Linguistics and TESOL MA
- Art History and Museum Curating MA
- Art History MA
- Artificial Intelligence and Adaptive Systems MSc
- Astronomy MSc
- Banking and Finance MSc
- Biomedical Engineering MSc
- Cancer Cell Biology MSc
- Childhood and Youth Studies MA
- Climate Change, Development and Policy MSc
- Cognitive Neuroscience MSc
- Computer Science (Conversion) MSc
- Computing with Digital Media MSc
- Conflict, Security and Development MA
- Conservation Biology MRes
- Contemporary History MA
- Corporate and Financial Risk Management MSc
- Corruption and Governance (online) MA
- Corruption and Governance MA
- Cosmology MSc
- Creative and Critical Writing MA
- Criminal Law and Criminal Justice LLM
- Criminology and Criminal Justice MA
- Cultural and Creative Industries MA
- Data Science (with an industrial placement year) MSc
- Data Science MSc
- Development Economics MSc
- Development Studies MA
- Digital Media MA
- Drug Discovery, Design and Synthesis MSc
- Early Years Education (with Early Years Teacher Status) MA
- Early Years Education MA
- Education (full time) MA
- Education (part time) MA
- Energy and Climate Policy MSc
- Energy Policy (online) MSc
- Engineering Business Management MSc
- English: Literature, Culture and Theory MA
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation MSc
- Environment, Development and Policy MA
- Film Studies MA
- Filmmaking MA
- Financial Data Analytics MSc
- Financial Mathematics MSc
- Fintech, Risk and Investment Analysis MSc
- Food and Development MA
- Foundations of Clinical Psychology and Mental Health MSc
- Gender and Development MA
- Gender and Media MA
- Gender Studies MA
- Gender, Violence and Conflict MA
- Genetic Manipulation and Molecular Cell Biology MSc
- Geopolitics and International Affairs MA
- Global Biodiversity Conservation MSc
- Global Supply Chain and Logistics Management MSc
- Global Supply Chain Management (online) MSc
- Globalisation, Business and Development MA
- Governance, Development and Public Policy MA
- Human and Social Data Science MSc
- Human Resource Management MSc
- Human Rights MA
- Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law LLM
- International Business and Development MSc
- International Business Economics MSc
- International Commercial Law LLM
- International Education and Development MA
- International Finance and Economics MSc
- International Financial Law LLM
- International Human Rights Law LLM
- International Journalism MA
- International Law LLM
- International Management MSc
- International Marketing (online) MSc
- International Political Economy MA
- International Relations MA
- Journalism and Documentary Practice MA
- Journalism and Media Studies MA
- Law (replacing the GDL) MA
- Law LLM
- Management and Finance MSc
- Management MSc
- Management of Information Technology MSc
- Marketing Analysis and Consultancy (online) PGCert
- Marketing and Consumer Psychology MSc
- Master of Business Administration MBA
- Mathematics MSc
- Media and Cultural Studies MA
- Media Practice for Development and Social Change MA
- Media, Ethics and Social Change (online) MA
- Migration and Global Development MA
- Migration and Refugee Studies MA
- Music and Sonic Media MA
- Nanomaterials and Energy MSc
- Neuroscience MRes
- Neuroscience MSc
- Occupational and Organizational Psychology MSc
- Particle Physics MSc
- Philosophy MA
- Physics MSc
- Poverty and Development MA
- Power, Participation and Social Change MA
- Primary PGCE
- Project Management MSc
- Psychological Methods MRes
- Psychological Therapy PGDip
- Psychology (Conversion) MSc
- Psychology of Kindness and Wellbeing at Work (online) PGCert
- Quantum Technology Applications and Management (online) MSc
- Quantum Technology MSc
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems (with a Masters industrial placement) MSc
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems (with an industrial placement year) MSc
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems MSc
- Science and Technology Policy (with a professional placement year) MSc
- Science and Technology Policy MSc
- Secondary Art and Design PGCE
- Secondary Business Studies PGCE
- Secondary Computer Science PGCE
- Secondary Computing and Business Education PGCE
- Secondary Design Technology PGCE
- Secondary Drama PGCE
- Secondary English and Drama PGCE
- Secondary English and Media Studies PGCE
- Secondary English PGCE
- Secondary Geography PGCE
- Secondary History PGCE
- Secondary Latin and Classics PGCE
- Secondary Mathematics PGCE
- Secondary Modern Foreign Languages PGCE
- Secondary Music PGCE
- Secondary Psychology PGCE
- Secondary Science with Biology PGCE
- Secondary Science with Chemistry PGCE
- Secondary Science with Physics PGCE
- Sexual Dissidence MA
- Social and Political Thought MA
- Social Anthropology MA
- Social Development MA
- Social Research Methods MSc
- Social Work MA
- Social Work PGDip
- Strategic Innovation Management (with a professional placement year) MSc
- Strategic Innovation Management MSc
- Strategic Marketing MSc
- Sustainable Development (online) MSc
- Sustainable Development MSc
- Sustainable Finance and Accounting (with a professional placement year) MSc
- Sustainable Finance and Accounting MSc
Book you place now and we’ll send you more information, including the full programme, nearer the event.
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Your personal data is processed by the University of Sussex and stored by ‘Anthology’ (on the University’s behalf) in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation; further detail about the University’s processing activities in relation to personal data can be found in our privacy notice. You can also view Anthology’s privacy notice.