International relations

From Bombs to Algorithms: Science, Technologies, and Global Insecurity

Module code: 016IRS
Level 6
30 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Seminar
Assessment modes: Essay, Coursework

Do scientists have a responsibility for the development of nuclear weapons?
Is the collection of Big Data making us safer or more vulnerable?
How will the development of artificial intelligence affect future war?
What can we learn from the Covid-19 pandemic about misinformation and (in)security?
Is scientific research a political tool?

This module introduces insights from science and technology studies to investigate these entanglements of science, technology, security and war to try to answer some of these questions.

Module learning outcomes

  • Show coherent knowledge of different social scientific perspectives on studying the entanglements of science, technology, society, and security
  • Be able to critique the techno-determinism and techno-optimism present in academic, popular, and political discourse
  • Demonstrate understanding of how technology shapes and is shaped by international political developments and practices of war-making
  • Critically reflect on current controversies involving science, technology, and security