Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Law
Module code: M6024
Level 6
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Seminar
Assessment modes: Essay
On this module, you will examine contemporary issues in healthcare law. These are subject to change depending on what is topical year on year but may include:
- Parliament and the courts in the regulation of issues in healthcare law
- developments in medically assisted reproduction
- surrogacy
- the regulation of abortion and arguments for decriminalisation
- disputes over the medical treatment of children
- use of human material
- legal regulation of assisted suicide
- the legality of cosmetic surgery
- provision of innovative treatment
- patient choice
- effectiveness of professional self-regulation.
Module learning outcomes
- Systematically explain key legal rules and principles of contemporary issues in the field of healthcare law
- Systematically explain the contemporary debates about topical issues in healthcare law
- Evaluate critically contemporary issues of healthcare law, where appropriate identifying where reform is necessary and what form that may take
- Demonstrate the ability to initiate and undertake independent research on contemporary issues of healthcare law