Sociology and Criminology
Themes and Perspectives in Sociology II
Module code: L3069
Level 4
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Seminar, Lecture
Assessment modes: Essay, Coursework
On this module, you’ll explore how modern sociology emerged in the nineteenth century alongside the rise of industrial capitalist society. You’ll examine key themes and concerns that shaped the discipline, reflecting societal changes of the time and how these have evolved in contemporary societies.
The module covers both classical and contemporary sociological perspectives on these themes, analysing how key categories and experiences have been redefined over time.
Module learning outcomes
- Have a broad understanding of main themes in sociology and key perspectives and evidence pertaining to them.
- Understand key issues and to develop a critical perspective on them based on theoretical argument and evidence.
- Be able to develop more focused and developed understandings and assessments of specific, selected issues and themes.