Life Sciences
Research Methods for Neuroscience
Module code: C1147
Level 4
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Class, Lecture, Online interactive, Online lecture, Workshop, Tutorial *, Seminar
Assessment modes: Coursework
You’ll explore modern techniques for collecting, analysing and interpreting data in neuroscience. These are essential skills for understanding evidence on the workings of the brain, and becoming a neuroscientist.
The module is taught in three parts:
- statistics – basic statistical skills needed for neurobiology, including the use of R/R-studio open-source statistical software
- methods and data in Neuroscience – engagement with primary neuroscience literature or datasets, application of analysis skills and oral communication
- Physics for Neuroscientists – basic mathematics (derivatives) and physics (waves, electrical circuits) necessary for understanding the fundamentals of biophysics and neuroscience.
Module learning outcomes
- Demonstrate understanding of a range of statistical methods that are commonly used in the biological sciences, and be able to use a modern software package to apply these methods to biological data.
- Research and apply methods from a primary neurobiology research paper to obtain and analyse a real or simulated neuroscience dataset, and communicate your findings via scientific media and in class discussions
- Describe the basic mathematics and physics needed to understand the operation of the nervous system.