Life Sciences

Structure and Function in the Human Brain

Module code: C7143
Level 6
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Workshop
Assessment modes: Multiple choice questions, Coursework

The aim of the module is to reveal the anatomical substrates on which the processing of sensory information and the generation of motor commands depend. Specific attention will be paid to the relationship between structure and function. The module will cover the development of the anatomical features of the nervous system and will give a comparative interpretation of the anatomy of brain regions and their cellular components using a variety of examples including vertebrate and invertebrate models. The module will provide basic knowledge of the main techniques used to study the functional anatomy of the brain at systems, cellular and molecular levels.


C1098 Neural Circuits (or equivalent)

Module learning outcomes

  • Systematically describe key aspects of development and structure-function relationships within the mammalian brain, including the processing of sensory information and the generation of motor commands.
  • Apply an understanding of a range of established techniques of experimental analysis and enquiry within neuroanatomy, in order to critically evaluate research literature and extend their knowledge.
  • Effectively communicate information, arguments and analysis to specialist and non-specialist audiences.