
Calculus of Several Variables

Module code: G5141
Level 5
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Workshop, Lecture
Assessment modes: Unseen examination, Coursework

Calculus of several variables has numerous applications in any field of study, where problems under consideration involve more than one variable, such as physics, engineering, business, economics, biology.

This module introduces you to the analysis of functions of multiple variables. You will learn the rules for:

  • partial differentiation
  • constraint optimisation
  • double and triple integrals

You will learn techniques used to evaluate volume, line and surface integrals and how they are related via the Divergence and Stokes’ Theorems. These theorems are essentially higher dimensional versions of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.

Module learning outcomes

  • Calculate basic higher-dimensional integrals and derivatives of functions of several real variables;
  • Understand the concepts and definitions of partial derivative and gradient, provide and explain examples and counterexamples;
  • Appreciate the concepts and definitions of line and surface integral, double and triple integral.