
Living Well: Modes of Self-Focus

Module code: C8852
Level 6
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Workshop
Assessment modes: Essay, Coursework

This module approaches questions of psychological wholeness and disorder through the relation between affect and cognition. Central is theory which distinguishes between sensory and conceptual modes of self-focus. Consider the suggestion that we live in ideas which shape experience of the outer layers of life. Yet affective phenomena can unfold from deeper levels of meaning (partial versus holistic).

What does this mean for the quality of subjectivity, human relating, and emotional processing? We will explore such questions through topics including anxiety; embodiment; connectedness; dreaming; environment and cognition. This will be enlivened through dialogue and self-enquiry into the actuality of living.

Module learning outcomes

  • Develop a coherent understanding of theory and concepts in the field of affect and cognition
  • Deploy established and complementary forms of enquiry to form understanding
  • Demonstrate engagement in collaborative learning