Media and film studies

Film Theory B

Module code: P5030
Level 5
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Seminar, Lecture, Film
Assessment modes: Coursework

In this module, you examine a range of approaches to Film Studies, from classical film theory through semiotics, psychoanalysis and reception theory to contemporary debates on film and philosophy.

As well as providing a grounding in major theoretical debates in Film Studies, you learn how to think and write about film using sophisticated critical models.

Module learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate knowledge and critical understanding of a range of theoretical approaches to film and their associated concepts, and of the way in which those approaches have developed
  • Be able to apply these concepts and approaches in the study of specific film textsCritically apply these concepts and approaches in the study of specific film texts
  • Evaluate critically the appropriateness of different theoretical approaches to studying particular films.
  • ely communicate information, arguments, and analysis, both orally and in written form, and deploy key concepts and critical methods of the discipline effectively