
Economics of European Integration

Module code: L1066
Level 6
15 credits in autumn semester
Teaching method: Lecture, Seminar
Assessment modes: Computer based exam, Coursework

The aim of this module is to cover economic and institutional aspects of the European integration process, focusing on the economic and also legal aspects of the European Union, internally and in its relations with partners, including prospective members.

You will cover:

  • customs union theory
  • the theory of monetary union
  • fiscal federalism
  • regional economics.

You will be expected to understand the basic economics of integration, and also the interrelationship between economics, law and politics, as well as knowing how to track down up to date policy materials on the web.

This module has an optional study abroad visit, which takes place in December. The contribution towards costs is £150 per student.

Module learning outcomes

  • Have demonstrated a systematic understanding of those principles at the forefront of economics as they relate to economic problems and issues
  • Have demonstrated a systematic understanding of an appropriate number of specialised fields of economics (e.g. labour economics, development economics)
  • Be able to use the power of abstraction to focus upon the essential features of an economic problem and to provide a systematic framework for the coherent and critical evaluation of the effects of policy or other exogenous events.
  • Be able to analyse an economic problem or issue using an appropriate theoretical framework, recognise its limitations and appreciate uncertainties around such analyses.