
Decolonising Education: Knowledge, Power and Society

Module code: X4400E
Level 5
15 credits in spring semester
Teaching method: Seminar
Assessment modes: Report

Decolonising education is critical for social justice in the Global North and South. This raises important questions about the relationships between knowledge, power and society in the past and present. This module addresses these issues. It engages with the politics and history of education in both UK and international contexts. It critiques how the curriculum has privileged particular knowledges and identities in ways that are racialised, gendered and classed. Throughout the module, we relate these issues to students’ own experiences of education and what decolonising education means for them.

Module learning outcomes

  • Demonstrate critical awareness with the work of education around the world in producing social inequalities related to issues such as race, gender, sexuality and class
  • Demonstrate theoretical understandings of the politics of knowledge and education and their implications for educational and social inequalities
  • Demonstrate critical awareness of different ways of researching educational inequalities and the insights these approaches bring for decolonising education
  • Draw on personal experiences of education to develop critical analytical arguments