Scholarships for Palestine (2025)

As a University of Sanctuary, Sussex provides an inclusive and welcoming community for displaced people. This includes financial support through a number of scholarships. The Scholarships for Palestine are designed to provide sanctuary through the provision of fully funded Masters scholarships for Palestinian students, particularly those displaced by the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

What you get

  • Full 'Overseas' tuition fee waiver 
  • £16,440 living costs
  • Sussexsport membership

Type of award

Full tuition fee waiver and living costs

Funding type

Sussex funded



  • Who is eligible

    To be eligible for this scholarship, you must be a Palestinian applicant with an offer of a place to study a Masters degree at the University of Sussex, starting in September 2025. You must also:

    • Be a holder of Palestinian ID/travel documents
    • Be classified as 'Overseas' for fees
    • Be ordinarily resident in Gaza or the West Bank, or have been so until the escalation of the conflict in October 2023
    • Priority will be given to those who are ordinarily resident in Gaza or displaced Palestinians in refugee camps
    • Priority will also be given to those who do not currently hold a Masters degree or have never studied outside Palestine
  • Who isn’t eligible

    You are not eligible for this scholarship if you:

    • are applying for a Masters at a university that is not at the University of Sussex
    • are progressing into the final year of an integrated Masters at Sussex
    • are studying one of the Excluded courses listed below:
  • Excluded courses

    You are not eligible for this scholarship if you are going to study any of the following:

    • Certificates and Diplomas (including PGCE)
    • Courses at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS)
    • Courses at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
    • Courses offered at partner institutes e.g. International Study Centre (ISC)
    • Degrees in Social work (if receiving an NHS bursary)
    • Early Years Education (with Early Years Teacher status)
    • Masters funded by the research councils (e.g. ESRC 1+3 funding)
    • Online courses
    • PhD courses
    • School Direct teaching courses

Number of scholarships available

2 Masters scholarships


1 June 2025 23:59

How to apply

In order to be considered for the scholarship, you will need to have accepted an offer of a place on an eligible Masters course.

Applicants will be required to submit evidence of nationality/residence and provide a statement that demonstrates why they should be selected to receive the scholarship.

Selection will be made based on applicants’ statements on the following:

  • Why they have chosen to apply to Sussex
  • What they will bring to the Sussex community
  • Future intended contributions to Palestine
Applications open 20 March

Funding partners

The living costs for this scholarship are supported by the Sussex Fund.






Contact us

If you have any questions about your eligibility for these scholarships or need any further information, please email

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All applicants will receive a final decision before July 2025.


At level(s):
PG (taught)

Application deadline:
1 June 2025 23:59 (GMT)


The award is available to people from the following country: