Funder Engagement
To provide a platform for academics and key Research & Innovation Services (RIS) staff to better share intelligence relating to key institutional funders and to identify where relationships with those funders exists currently and can be built upon.
The governance structure for this activity includes the creation of a Funder Intelligence Coordinating Group (FICG) which will have oversight of a Strategy Groups for each funder. The Strategy Groups will have relevant representation from interested Schools, Research & Innovation Services (RIS) and will involve researchers who are currently serving or have recently served on that Funder's Review Panel and/or Boards. The Chairs of each Funder Strategy Group will make up the membership of the FICG.
Group | Coverage |
Research & Knowledge Exchange Committee (RaKE) | Membership: PVC-R, DPVCs, Directors of Research & Knowledge Exchange (DRaKEs), Prof Services staff Role: Oversight and leadership n strategic funder relationships |
Funder Intelligence Co-ordinating Group (FICG) | Membership: DPVCs, DRaKEs, FSG Chairs, Head of Research Development & Initiatives Role: Leadership on overall strategic funder relationships and development of Funder Intelligence Plans |
Funder Strategy Groups (FSG) | Membership: FSG Chairs, and nominated researchers serving on funder panels/boards, award leads and aligned RDM support Role: Leadership on specific strategic funder relationship and funder plans |
Funder Team Site | Membership: Any interested researcher Role: Dissemination of funder information |