Sussex Psychosis Research interest Group (SPRiG)



  • What is the study about?

PREFER is a large national survey with patients who hear voices. We are asking patients to tell us about their therapy preferences like:

    • when and where should therapy take place?
    • what should therapy involve and what it should aim to improve? 
    • The study is recruiting patients until at least end of September 2020.
  • Why is the study being done?

The findings will be used to inform researchers and clinicians to help them develop and offer the types of therapies that patients really want.

  • Who is running the study?

This study is led by Dr Clio Berry (Brighton and Sussex Medical School) with Dr Mark Hayward (Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust) and Professor David Fowler (University of Sussex). The study is sponsored by the University of Sussex and is funded by an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Impact Acceleration Award. The study has received ethical and research governance approval from the Health Research Authority. PREFER is running in multiple NHS Trusts across England.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I take part?
  • You can take part in the PREFER study if:
    • you are aged 16 years or over,
    • you have heard voices for at least 6 months,
    • you have a lead practitioner or care co-ordinator.
  • You will need to be willing to sign a consent form to take part.
  • What do I have to do if I take part?
  • Taking part involves completing the questionnaire, which:
    • is done with a researcher,
    • online, on a phone, or on paper,
    • and should take about 45minutes.
  • What is happening with respect to COVID-19?
  • Currently the study is only being completed remotely. This means completing the consent form and questionnaire with a researcher by video or telephone call depending on your preferences and what is available. Depending on the national lockdown situation and government policy, it may be possible to return to completing the questionnaire with a research in person.
  • Publications and findings

PREFER research study logo

Findings will be analysed once recruitment to the study is complete. We are aiming to involve 600 patients. Once we analyse the data, we will publish the findings in at least one scientific report. We will aim to present the results at scientific conferences. We will send a summary of the findings to patients involved in the study.