Faculty of Media, Arts and Humanities - for students and staff

Useful links

Royalty Free Stock Footage
  • Coverr

    Royal free footage that is completly free for commerical use. However please note Trademarks, logos, or brands that appear in Videos and People’s images if they are recognizable in the Videos will require further permissions. 

  • Mazwai

    Mazwai.com is a resource for free stock footage and moving images, created with one clear mission: to give creators around the world free access to beautiful stock footage, with simple licensing.

  • Pexels

    Pexels provides high quality and completely free stock photos licensed under the Pexels license

Royalty Free Stock Music and Sound
  • Freesound.org

    Probably the best-known collection of open-sourced sound files. Mixed rights, so you should check and follow the rights declared of each file indervidually.

  • Youtube audio Library 

    Youtube audio library. Ostensibly for use in youtube videos, but rights-free so can be used anywhere. Music and sound effects

  • Citizen DJ

    A project to make accessible the huge library of recorded materials available in the US Library of Congress collection, many of which are public-domain. The full collection at https://www.loc.gov/ is a little harder to navigate, but also contains video, pictographic and written materials. Rights and permissions are mixed, so you should check and follow the rights declared to each file.

  • Nasa

    Huge library of NASA sound - space, rockets, speeches, mission radio comms etc. Educational use only, and use should be attributed.

  • FreeStockMusic.com

    A great source for royalty free music of various genres. Mixed rights - mostly attribution required

  • BBC

    The BBC SFX library with over 16,000 sound effects. We have this in CD form on campus and they are also on the Teaching Drive. Not for commercial use.

  • Zapslat

    Free sound effects and royalty free music. Attribution required.

  • Freesfx

    Free and royalty free sound effects and music. Attribution required.

  • Soundbible

    Free and royalty free sound effects.

  • SoundEffectsPlus

    Free and royalty free sound effects.

  • Adobe Audition Sound FX

    Sound FX from Adobe

  • Videvo

    Extensive collection of free music and sound effects, as well as motion graphics and video clips. No login required.

Royalty Free Fonts