Emeritus Professor
Selected publications
Wood, Marcus (2018) A history of Frederick Douglass in thirteen icons. African American Review. 0-0. ISSN 1945-6182 (Accepted)
Wood, Marcus (2015) Slavery and syncretic performance in the noite do tambores silenciosos: or how batuque, and the calunga dance around with the memory of slavery. Journal of American Studies and British Association for American Studies, 49 (2). pp. 383-403. ISSN 0021-8758
Wood, Marcus (2014) Slavery and the Romantic sketch: Jean Baptiste Debret’s visual poetics of trauma. Journal of Historical Geography, 43. pp. 39-48. ISSN 0305-7488
Wood, Marcus (2013) Valency and abjection in the lynching postcard: a test case in the reclamation of black visual culture. Slavery and Abolition, 34 (2). pp. 202-222. ISSN 0144 039X
Wood, Marcus (2011) The Museu do Negro in Rio and the cult of Anastácia as a new model for the memory of slavery. Representations, 113 (1). pp. 111-149. ISSN 0734-6018
Wood, Marcus (2008) [Review] Christopher Leslie Brown (2006) Moral capital: foundations of British abolitionism. American Historical Review, 113 (2). pp. 578-579. ISSN 0002-8762
Wood, Marcus (2008) Slavery, memory, and museum display in Baltimore: the great blacks in wax and the Reginald F. Lewis. Curator the Museum Journal, 52 (2). pp. 147-167. ISSN 0011-3069
Wood, Marcus (2008) Atlantic slavery and traumatic representation in museums: the National Great Blacks in wax museum as a test case. Slavery and Abolition, 29 (2). pp. 151-171. ISSN 0144-039X
Wood, Marcus (2019) The black butterfly: Brazilian slavery and the literary imagination. West Virginia University Press, USA. ISBN 9781949199024
Wood, Marcus (2013) Black milk: imagining slavery in the visual cultures of Brazil and America. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199274574
Wood, Marcus (2010) The horrible gift of freedom: Atlantic slavery and the representation of emancipation. Race in the Atlantic World 1700-1900 . University of Georgia Press. ISBN 9780820334271
Wood, Marcus (2002) Slavery, empathy and pornography. Oxford University Press, Oxford ; New York. ISBN 9780198187202
Wood, Marcus (2001) High tar babies: race, hatred, slavery, love. Clinamen press. ISBN 9781903083833
Book Section
Wood, Marcus (2017) Viral virtual varicose Douglass inside the World Wide Web: or how to make a great black man invisible. In: Berniere, Celeste-Marie and Lawson, Bill E (eds.) Pictures and power: imaging and imagining Frederick Douglass (1818-2018). Liverpool University Press, Liverpool. ISBN 9781786940575
Wood, Marcus (2016) Reconfiguring African trade beads: the most beautiful bountiful and marginalised sculptural legacy to have survived the middle passage. In: Bernier, Celeste Marie and Durkin, Hannah (eds.) Visualising Slavery and Reimaging Memory: Art Across the Black Diaspora. Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 248-273. ISBN 9781781382677
Wood, Marcus (2016) Reconfiguring African trade beads: the most beautiful, bountiful and marginalised sculptural legacy to have survived the middle passage. In: Bernier, Celeste-Marie and Durkin, Hannah (eds.) Visualising slavery: art across the African diaspora. Liverpool studies in international slavery, 9 (9). Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, pp. 248-273. ISBN 9781781382677
Wood, Marcus (2015) What is Africa to me - now?: Hartman, Gil, Africanism and slave memory in America and Brazil. In: Bordin, Elisa and Scacchi, Anna (eds.) Transatlantic Memories of Slavery: Remembering the Past Changing the Future. Cambria Press, New York, pp. 270-291. ISBN 9781604979039
Wood, Marcus (2015) What is Africa to me - now?: Hartman, Gil, Africanism and slave memory in America and Brazil. In: Bordin, Elisa and Scacchi, Anna (eds.) Transatlantic memories of slavery: reimagining the past, changing the future. Cambria Press, New York, pp. 73-94. ISBN 9781604979039
Wood, Marcus (2014) Brazilian and North American slavery propagandas: some thoughts on difference. In: Castronovo, Russ and Auerbach, Jonathan (eds.) The Oxford Handbook to Propaganda Studies. Oxford University Press Handbooks . Oxford University Press, New York and London, pp. 28-49. ISBN 9780199764419
Wood, Marcus (2014) The slave narrative and visual culture. In: Earnest, John (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of the African American Slave Narrative. Oxford University Press Handbooks . Oxford University Press, New York, pp. 196-219. ISBN 9780199731480
Wood, Marcus (2014) Historic Williamsburg and the memorial limits of a theatre of colonial slavery. In: Swindells, Julia and Taylor, David Francis (eds.) The Oxford Companion to the Georgian Theatre. Oxford University Press Handbooks . Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 707-725. ISBN 9780199600304
Wood, Marcus (2010) Significant silence: where was slave agency in the popular imagery of 2007? In: Kaplan, Cora and Oldfield, John (eds.) Imagining Transatlantic Slavery. Palgrave McMillan, London, pp. 162-190. ISBN 9780230578203
Wood, Marcus (2010) Marketing the slave trade: slavery, photography and emancipation: time and freedom in 'the life of the picture'. In: Kromm, Jane and Bakewell, Susan Benforado (eds.) A history of visual culture: western civilisation from the 18th to the 21st century. Berg, Oxford, New York, pp. 255-266. ISBN 9781845204921
Wood, Marcus (2010) Refurbishment, responsibility, and historical memory in Monticello's slave "dependencies". In: Hormann, Raphael and Mackenthun, Gesa (eds.) Bonded labor in the cultural contact zone, transdisciplinary perspectives on slavery and its discourses. Waxman, New York and Berlin, pp. 187-207. ISBN 9783830923756
Wood, Marcus (2010) Strange liberty monuments: Lincoln, Jefferson, freedom and excretion. In: Spark, Gordon, Findlay, Laura, MacPherson, Pauline and Wood, Andrew (eds.) Alienation and resistance: representation in text and image. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 6-23. ISBN 9781443819640
Wood, Marcus (2009) 'Radical publishing'. In: Suarez S J, Michael F and Turner, Michael L (eds.) Cambridge history of the book in Britain: Volume V, 1695-1830. The Cambridge history of the book in Britain (5). Cambridge University Press, pp. 834-848. ISBN 978-0521810173
Wood, Marcus (2008) Slavery, history, and satire: the legacy of Gilberto Freyre. In: Oboe, Analisa and Scacchi, Anna (eds.) Recharting the black Atlantic: modern cultures, local communities, global connections. Routledge Research in Atlantic Studies, 1 . Routledge, New York, pp. 128-146. ISBN 9780415961110
Wood, Marcus (2003) The Deep South and English print satire 1750-1865. In: Ward, Joseph P (ed.) Britain and the American South: from colonialism to rock and roll. Chancellor Porter L. Fortune Symposium in Southern History Series . University of Mississippi Press, pp. 107-140. ISBN 9781578065806