Visiting Professor
Selected publications
Boxall, Peter (2018) A leap out of our biology: history, tautology and biomatter in Don DeLillo’s later fiction. Contemporary Literature, 58 (4). pp. 526-555. ISSN 0010-7484
Boxall, Peter (2016) Blind seeing: deathwriting from Dickinson to the contemporary. New Formations: A Journal of Culture, Theory, Politics, 89-90. pp. 192-211. ISSN 0950-2378
Boxall, Peter (2015) Science, technology and the posthuman. The Cambridge Companion to British Fiction Since 1945. ISSN 9781107562714
Boxall, Peter (2012) Late: Fictional Time in the Twenty-First Century. Contemporary Literature, 53 (4). pp. 681-712. ISSN 0010-7484
Boxall, Peter (2011) The threshold of vision: the animal gaze in Beckett, Sebald and Coetzee. Journal of Beckett Studies, 20 (2). pp. 123-148. ISSN 0309-5207
Boxall, Peter (2008) "There's no lack of void": waste and abundance in Beckett and DeLillo. SubStance, 37 (2). pp. 56-70. ISSN 0049-2426
Boxall, Peter, Hadfield, Andrew, Smith, Lindsay and Surprenant, Celine (2007) Preface. Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory, 15 (1). xi. ISSN 1077-4254
Boxall, Peter (2020) The prosthetic imagination: a history of the novel as artificial life. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781108836487
Boxall, Peter (2015) The value of the novel. The value of . Cambridge University Press, New York. ISBN 9781107057494
Boxall, Peter (2013) Twenty-first century fiction: a critical introduction. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781107006911
Boxall, Peter (2009) Since Beckett: contemporary writing in the wake of modernism. Continuum Literary Studies . Continuum. ISBN 9780826491671
Book Section
Sage, Liz (2016) Women's fiction after the War. In: Boxall, Peter and Cheyette, Bryan (eds.) British and Irish fiction since 1940. The Oxford history of the novel in English, 7 . Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 110-127. ISBN 9780198749394
Boxall, Peter (2015) Still stirrings: Beckett's prose from Texts for nothing to Stirrings still. In: Van Hulle, Dirk (ed.) The new Cambridge companion to Samuel Beckett. Cambridge University Press, pp. 33-47. ISBN 9781107427815